6|A Second Chance

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Kalani's POV:

To be honest, when I realized that I had come back I was shocked. But now that I've calmed down, I think I know exactly what to do. I'll save Jake but I'll still make their relationship awful. Evelyn never deserved to be happy. It wasn't my fault that Jake died... it was bad timing, right?!

I hated one thing about this 'time traveling' thing, the fact that I had to meet Evelyn again. Agh, she's annoying. My whole family is annoying. "Kalani! Would you mind explaining this 'F' on the test?!"

Not this again... but, no matter how much I hated it I couldn't respond. "I'll try harder next time, Father."
"Try harder?! Do you mean you didn't try hard on this test?! You're a disappointment to our family. I wish you were never born."

But this time I've decided to stand up for myself because I could no longer handle it. "Father, I DID try!"


"Kalani... how many times do I have to tell you DON'T TALK BACK!" Suddenly my mom walked in. " What's going on?! Kalani, are you okay? "Honey... we can talk about this instead of slapping her."

"Talk?! Do you think talking will solve this problem? She probably hangs out with a bunch of freaks. Kalani, give me your phone. I need to see which kind of friends you're hanging out with." Usually back then I would immediately give it to him and obey him but not now. "No! I don't want to!" "What did you just say?" "You heard me, Father. I won't give it to you!"

"Honey, calm down. And, Kalani, just obey your father." "Mom, I don't wish to be like you. I don't want to be obedient to a womanizer nor do I want to marry one." (Slaps) "K-Kalani, I'm sorry." "Looks like you guys have something in common after all."

If I was honest at that moment, I couldn't believe that my mom had slapped me. She was the only one I had left. The only one who would genuinely care about me. I didn't mean what I had said at all... despite it all being true. I guess fate was never meant to be changed.

Today is the day that I move to the neighborhood that will end up making me meet Jake and Evelyn. It was also the day I met with Jake in the rain. So, I purposely went out that day but, Jake was nowhere to be found. This wasn't supposed to happen, at least according to my memory.

Luckily, we went to the same school. At lunchtime, I spotted him with Evelyn just like last time. But this time he didn't approach me or anything. This timeline made me hate her more.

Guess what? Evelyn was even more talented in this timeline. No wonder why she has so many friends. She's way more talented than I am. Wait what? I'm jealous and comparing myself to her?! Snap out of it Kalani! I'm better than her!

During the next few months, I tried my best to approach Jake but, he seemed to completely ignore me. He didn't even look at me. Perhaps it was because he was too busy looking at... you guessed it,
Evelyn. Apparently, in this timeline, she's the 'goddess' of our school. What is a goddess you ask?

A person who's 'perfect' or is good at everything plus beauty. I was getting kind of impatient with my storyline not changing and Evelyn's was. So, I took matters into my own hands and mustered up the courage. "Jake, will you go out with me? I've liked you since we first met!"

I know that sounded stupid. But, what choice did I have? "I'm sorry, Kalani. I think I like someone else."
This didn't happen in the last timeline so I was quite shocked. But, if you thought I gave up, you're wrong. After this confession, I asked him eight more times.

When I asked him for the tenth time, I added another question. "Jake, do you like Evelyn? Is that why you're not going out with me? Well, I could BE her or even better!" "Yeah, you're right I like Evelyn."

For some reason, my heart kind of ached. It was kind of that feeling when someone stabs you in the heart. Me and Evelyn are opposite people. Evelyn was perfect... and when he said that it had only meant one thing. I could never be perfect.

Evelyn had everything I wanted. I didn't hate her. I hated the things that she had. Those words were stuck in my head for a while. It's fine. I didn't need my life to be perfect. I just needed it to be okay.

I just wanted my parents to get along. I just wanted to have happiness. I just wanted friends. Even if I wasn't perfect, I would be fine because at least l was normal. Were my expectations way too high? I thought I would know what to do once I came back, but now I'm lost...

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