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Evelyn's POV:

The last weeks of school passed by pretty fast after testing. Jake and I weren't talking much since we were both busy with schoolwork, but we would still wave every time we saw each other. When the last day of school arrived, I was pretty excited since I would get a break from all the drama and misunderstandings.

I decided to visit my grandmother in the countryside since I probably won't meet anyone I know there. Ok fine, maybe I did invite a friend to tag along. "Ahh Evelyn, I'm so excited to meet your grandmother. The food she makes is so good!"

"Calm down Sky! We haven't even made it there yet." Yeah, I brought Sky with me. She might be a little annoying at times, but she's an amazing friend.

"Grandma, I'm here!" Huh? It seems oddly quiet. "Oh, Evelyn. I've missed you. I see you've brought a friend here." Phew, I was overthinking stuff again.

"Hi, I'm Sky! I'm just one of Evelyn's friends! Uh, I-I've heard a lot about you. Your cooking is amazing! I've always wanted to meet you in person!" To be honest this is one of the very few occasions that I've seen Sky so nervous. She was talking so fast that I could barely understand.

"Ah, did I make you nervous? There's no need to be nervous. I love to meet Evelyn's friends and cook for them!" Oh, I forgot I had to go to the bus station!

"Sky, grandma I have to go to the bus station to meet my dad and get my stuff! I'll be back!"
I didn't want to meet Dad now. I guess life isn't always the way you want it to be.

Dad isn't here yet. It's been 30 minutes! I'm tired.
"Please, don't forget your stuff on the bus! Our company will not be accountable!"

"Evelyn?! Ah, I guess we meet again." That's right Jake was going to spend his summer here where I was. So much for trying to avoid people I know.

It took my dad 10 more minutes to arrive. "Here's your stuff."

"Thanks." After that, I rushed back home to Grandma and Sky. They looked like they were having a pretty good time.

After we took a shower and had supper it was time for bed. But, of course, the night couldn't end without Sky's interview questions. "So how are you and Jake doing?"

"No progress." I knew this answer was going to make her even more curious. "What do you mean? What happened to the movie thingy?" I didn't give her an answer because it was honestly giving me a headache just thinking about it.

"Did my tricks and tips not work? Or perhaps there's something between you guys?" Wow, she sure was sharp. "Yeah, I guess you can say Kalani. I honestly don't understand her."

"Don't worry Evelyn! I understand you. I don't like her either." "Did she do something to you?"
"Not really but she's pretty rude. I honestly hate those types of people. So...she's the one between you guys. In that case, she doesn't stand a chance! Trust me."

"Ok whatever you say, miss." I had a pretty great sleep that night. I haven't had one for a while, so it was quite refreshing. "Oh, Evelyn I forgot to tell you, my dear. Ben's still here. Perhaps you should visit him. After all, you did like him as a kid."

Ben was one of my childhood friends back when I lived here. We would always hang out since there weren't many kids who lived here. He would always stick up for me when I was bullied or be by my side when I was sad.

"Hello, is anyone home?" It took a while for the door to open, but when it did, I saw him in the doorway. He remained the same. The same Ben I knew. "Evelyn, is this you? It's been a while!"

Excitedly after meeting me, he immediately jumped in and hugged me. He was more excited than I had thought. For some reason, I wasn't very excited.
It felt like my mind was thinking of someone else at that moment.

"You've kind of changed since I last saw you!" His gesture was nice, but my mind was still elsewhere. "Is that a good thing?"

"Yup! You're prettier. Oh I-I mean you were always pretty. It's just that your beauty's grown since I last saw you. I'm sorry for being awkward it's been a while"

"Ahahaha no worries! You're getting more handsome every day too! Well, see you around I have to get home now." This was enough talking for now.

"Wait, do you want to go to the 'summer festival' with me? You know when you're free! Oh, you can also invite your friends with you."

"Sure! I'll come!" Well, I guess everything went well. Hopefully, I won't bump into him- "Oh, hey Evelyn!"
Just when I had said that. Suddenly, Sky appears behind me. I noticed that Jake was there too. "Hey there! Your name is Jake, right?"

"Uh yeah." What was Sky planning now?! "I HEARD there was a 'summer festival' going on. Do you want to come with us? The more the merrier!"
"Sure, yeah I'll come!" Wow, thanks, Sky I was trying so hard to avoid him but now I'm doomed.

After, Jake walked away she quickly turned to me as if to ask how well she did. "SKY! I was trying to avoid him!" She stood there confused for a while.
"Avoid him? Come on Evelyn! We're in freshman year it's time to have some fun! Plus, I know that you like him.

Well, she does have a point. I'm still not buying it though. The day of the 'summer festival' arrives quickly. We all decided to meet at the Ferris wheel. I was the first to arrive.

"Evelyn! Am I late? I'm sorry if I am!" It was Ben. He has a pretty good eye for seeing me that far. "No, you're not. We're just early."
"Oh, thank goodness. Do you want to go get some cotton candy with me while we wait for the others?"

"Sure." After all, we had nothing to do. A few more minutes pass, and Jake arrives. "H—Hey Evelyn!" He was obviously out of breath due to running here. "Oh, hey you shouldn't have rushed here. Jake, this is my friend, Ben!"

"Hey, Jake. As you already heard, I'm Ben. Evelyn's childhood friend." Hopefully, they'll get along. "Nice to meet you, Ben." They gave each other a quick handshake. We were suddenly interrupted by Sky who was also out of breath from running here.

"G—Guys I-I'm sorry I slept in today on accident!"
Sky's appearance seems to have stopped the tension since Ben and Jake were laughing hard. After, they laughed for a while we started to decide on where to go first. We all surprisingly agreed on the Ferris wheel.

The Ferris wheel's cart only had two seats in each of them, but we decided to partner up. Before I could say anything, Sky said she'd partner up with Ben. So, I was left there with Jake.

It was extremely awkward on the Ferris wheel. We both stayed quiet the entire ride. Suddenly, the Ferris wheel stopped when we reached the top. We were stuck. It would probably take minutes to make the machine function again.

I didn't expect Jake to start to break the silence, but he did. "Evelyn, I feel like I need to be honest
with you. You've kind of left me on the sidelines recently."

Jake's facial expression suddenly changed. It looks like he didn't mean to say that out loud. It made me feel confused. Jake once again made him the topic of my mind.

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