Part 2 - Mix

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While stopping at a cafe shop and drinking his sweet coffee, Book is now chatting with Mix.



A few second later he received reply from his friend.

[Yes Book?]

[You should greet someone first not spamming them]

Book quickly send a new chat.

[Sorry forgot about that. Hehehehe]

[Hello Mix. I need your help]

It seems Mix is not busy right now because he reply so fast to Book's chat.

[Chill bro. What help you need?]

Book then explain about the handsome stranger he saw on the street today.

[So, I saw a handsome man today but can't get to say hai to him. And now I don't know his name but I wanna see him again]

[That handsome? Send me a pic]

[_Sent a photo_]

[Here his pic. I took it secretly]

[Are you sure you took it without him knowing?]

[Yeah, why?]

[He is smiling to your camera]

[WHAT!? SHIT! Is that mean he saw me taking his pic like a freak!? So embarassing! 😭]

[Calm down stupid. Lets think positively. Maybe, just maybe he..]

[He what!?]

[He saw you act like a freak guy LOL 🤣]


[You supposed to help me!]

[Just kidding. How bout use your twitter?]

[How that will help me find him?]

[Just post his pic and someone might recognize him]

[You sure that legal? I won't get caught and thrown to prison, right?]

[Do you want me to help you or not? Why are you being so difficult?]

[Fineee I'll post it on my Twitter]

[Hey make an interesting caption like, "Twitter please do your magic! I want to meet this handsome prince"]

[Fuck that so cringe]

[But whatever, I'll try it]

[Good luck on finding your prince Book LOL 😂]

[I hate you Mix]

[Same here babe]

After ending his chat with Mix, Book still considering either try it or not Mix's idea to post the photo on his twitter.

But decided to post it anyway because he can't think of any better solution.

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