Part 4 - Confirmation

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Earth close the chat room with his bf and when he just about going back work, he saw his friend, Force Jiratchapong walk across him.


Earth unconsciously calling Force's name loudly, enough to make everyone around him look at him. He quickly apologized and walk fast towards Force who gave him a confuse look.

"What's up Earth?"

"I wanna ask you something, you have time?"

"Yeah I guess"

"Lets move a bit to a quiter place"

Earth walk first to a close room which happen to be a meeting room with Force following him still with a confuse look.

"What you wanna ask? Is it about work or personal life?," ask Force after they got inside the room.

"Do you went outside office earlier?"

"You mean today?"


"I did. Why?"

"You didn't wear white shirt with silver necklace?"

"Huh? White shirt? Silver Necklace? Wait, why did know I wore that today?"

"Just answer Force. I'll explain to you later"

"I wore them this morning to meet with our client, he ask me to be their model. The photoshoot was on the street that's why I was away from work until break time. I just came back from there after change my shirt"

"I see. That's make sense,"said Earth with a low voice more to himself than to Force.

"What? I don't understand why are you asking me this and how the hell you know that?"

Earth didn't answer Force's question yet but take out his phone and show Force a Book's photo.

"Did you saw this guy when you do your photoshoot?"

"This guy strangely feels familiar to me. I think I saw him," reply Force while he is looking at the photo.

"I see. So to answer your curiosity, this guy is my bf's friend and today he took a pic of you," explain Earh while taking back his phone from Force.

"Why? I don't know him and obviously he don't know me too," ask Force wondering.

"I don't know the reason but it seems he think you are handsome and want to know you personally"

"How did you know that?"

Earth not answering to Force's question bit instead show him Book's tweet. Force read it for awhile and he laughed a little.

"He is so cute," said Force after he can control his laugh.

"You like him?," tease Earth after saw Force reaction.

"Of course not, we still don't know each other," Force denied it.

"Oke if you say so. I'll send his twitter username in case you want to know him, oh I forgot, his name is Book Kasidet Plookphol"

"And for what purpose you give me this information?"

"I was just thinking maybe you want to know a stranger who took a photo of you and posted it to twitter in hope to meet you again"

"Okay that's fair enough"

"I sent his username to you, you get it?"

"Wait. Oh his username is cute, bookkie? Hahaha,"said Force after check the Book's twitter username sent by Earth.

"You want my help to introduce him to you? I think you will like it more after seeing him in person"

"No, it's okay. It'll be no fun if I meet him through you," said Force with a wink.

"Whatever you plan to do, please have mercy on him because I don't want my bf getting angry with me," said Earth letting out a heavy sigh.

"Sorry can't promise. Okay see you later bro,"said Force while leaving the room with a grin on his face, leaving Earth regretting his choice talked to Force.


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