Part 3 - Earth

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A few minutes after Book posted the photo on twitter, he received some replies including from Mix and his Boyfriend, P'Earth. It seems P'Earth know the guy in the photo, because Mix suddenly chat him to wait for him to confirm to P'Earth.

-MIX Pov-

My friend Book is currently searching for this handsome guy he saw on the street. Well, as a good bestfriend of him, of course I will help him find his dream guy.

Apparently, my bf seems to know this guy, so I told Book to wait because I will confirm his identity from my bf through chat message.


There is no respond from him even after a few minutes. Lets try chat him again.


And my bf finally replied.

[Yes baby?]

[Sorry, I was too caught up with my work that I didn't see your message]

[About Book's recent tweet, I saw your comment on it P'Earth. Do you know him?]

[Which guy?]

[The one Book's posted on twitter, the handsome guy who wear white shirt]

[Aah that guy? I think I know him]


[He kind of look like my friend at work, Force]

[So his name is Force? Hmm]

[Why? Book like him?]

[Yeah, he fall in love at first sight]

[Do you know if Force already has someone? Girlfriend or Boyfriend?]

[Sorry I don't know about that. But I heard some rumour that he has a really close relationship with co-worker, a girl named Janhae]

[Aww that's too bad but I still want to help Book getting close to Force. Please help me too P'Earth ☹]

[Sure baby but not for free 😏]

[I know, I'll massage you later P']

[Love you baby ❤]

[Love you too my old man 🙂]

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