Part 5 - First Hello

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"Finally its done! Aaah I'm so tired, better go home now and hit the gym later," said Force to himself while stretching his tired body and realize he was alone in the office, even Earth already gone.

Speaking of Earth, Force suddenly remember their conversation this noon about his cute stranger and thinking he want to know about him, he open his twitter and search the username Earth sent him.

"He is really cute. I want see his reaction if I reply to his tweet,"said Force with a chuckle and re-tweet Book's tweet with comment,
So this is the one who took my pic, huh? 😊

Satisfied with that, Force close the app and turn off his phone to head back home or maybe going straight to the gym.


Meanwhile, Book is innocently doing his work as a freelance painter, not knowing what will happen to him, when a notification pop up on his phone.

Thought it was Mix's chat, he open his phone and see notification from his twitter, confuse about it he click the notification and saw someone re-tweet his tweet with a comment.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!?," Book was so shocked that he unconsciously screaming, lucky that he live alone so no one will be bother by his loud voice.

With a trembling hand, he chat Mix in a hurry.


[What the hell Book?]

[That! That thing! He replied to my tweet!]

[He? Who? Speak clearly]

[The handsome guy I just saw this noon! He replied to my tweet about him!]

[The heck!? That was so fast! My boyfriend is so good at this]

[Did you talked with P'Earth about this?]

[Yeah I did. I asked his help to make you and your handsome guy get to know each other and closer. But I never expect that he will reply to your tweet this fast]

[Mix!! I'm scared.. what if he is angry because I took his photo and posted it to public without his consent? Will he sue me? 😭]

[First you need to calm down. Lets think positive, according to how he replied, maybe he was not that angry. Send me his reply]

[_Sent a photo_]

While Book is busy chatting with Mix, another notification pop up, a message on Twitter. To his another great shock, the guy he just talked about with Mix send him a direct message on Twitter.


On the other hand, here Force now looking at his screen phone waiting. He was confuse because he just casually want know this cute stranger but now he is waiting for his reply to his tweet in the middle of gym.

"Why there is no reaction?? I thought for sure he will reply to my tweet," mumble Force. "Should I send him a direct message? Just saying hello. Is it too much?"

He considered either to send or not to send for a few moments before finally choosing to go for it.

He start typing the simple message and send it to Book, in hope he will not seen as a freak guy for directly contact the stranger who posted his photo.

[Hey, is this Book?]

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