Part 6 - I'm Sorry

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[Hey, is this Book?]

Short and sound very normal but not for Book. He could feel his heart beating so fast and his hands trembling in fear.


"Shit! Book you are so done!," groan Book with frustation.

[Are you okay?]

'Great. I bet now he will see me as a freak and cringe guy he ever encounter,' curse Book as he regretting his past action.

[H, Hello. I'm sorry, deeply apologize if I'm being so rude took your photo and posted it online without your consent first 😭🙏]

[Hey, chill it's alright. I'm not angry or anything]

[Really? You are not angry?]

[No, not angry 😊 no need to apologize okay? I just wanna say hello]

[Oh I see. Umm oke then]

[So? Am I right? Is this Book?]

[Yes, I'm Book, um..]

[Oh, I'm Force, Force Jiratchapong. It's okay to use informal language with me, you know]

[Should I call you by your name or using "Phi"?]

[Whatever you are comfortable with]

[Then, Phi Force]

After the last message was sent, there is none reply from Force. Book really think that he messed up pretty big.

On the other side, Force is having his own problem.

"He is really cute,"said Force to himself while he can't stop looking at Book's chat with a grin.

He then open his twitter and tweeted a simple words, 'Cute ☺' which soon he got comments from his two friends, Earth and Joong, asking who is it?

'Fuck. Great. Just great Force. You tweet on your real account not the private one, you stupid," curse Force regretting his own carelessness.

He tried to pretend he did not just posted it and close his twitter, hoping his friends won't asking anymore questions.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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