R. Chambers

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*****Chapter 1 - R

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Chapter 1 - R. Chambers

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Eyeball shouted loudly as he turned and glared at his girlfriend, Hayley.

"I thought it would be nice!" She tried to defend herself and her actions.

"You thought it would be-" Eyeball paused as he groaned, running his hands through his hair, tugging at his brown curls. "Why didn't you just cut my dick off while I slept and shoved it so far down my throat I started digesting it?!"

Hayley grimaced. "Really Richard? Is there any need for that?" She sighed out as he growled slightly, he hated the name his father had given him.

Even now, at 29 years old and not even living in Castle Rock anymore, his birth name was a constant reminder of where he had come from, his father and where he will forever have to run from.

"You had no right to do this." Eyeball scowled at her as he finally turned and stormed off into the living room, unable to stop himself from swinging his fist at the door as he passed.

Hayley flinched slightly as she heard the loud connecting smack, before turning and going into the kitchen. Through their four year relationship she had learnt that when Eyeball was in one of those moods, it was best to just leave him alone to calm down.

Eyeball let himself flop onto the couch as he leant forward, leaning on his elbows as he ran his fingers through his hair, desperately trying to calm himself down. How could she have done this to him? Without even asking him.

"Can't believe she's making me go back..." Eyeball mumbled to himself as he almost shook his head, clearly still in denial.

His mind was evidently still trying to work out how she had gone behind his back to accept a teaching role for, not just her, but him too at Castle Rock High, his alma mater. Not to mention the fact she had put a deposit down on a house for them there too!

'Thought it would be nice' that was what she had said. Eyeball scoffed to himself as he let his hands drag down his face, almost pulling his skin down. He'd have definitely rather have had his dick cut off and shoved down his throat.

Eyeball looked over at the bookcase in their living room. Shuffling on the couch over to it, he reached out and picked up one of the photos at the back on the bottom shelf, covered in dust. Hayley didn't clean this photo, she didn't like it.

Eyeball wiped the dust from it as he looked down at the old photograph of the guys he had left behind. Billy Tessio. Charlie Hogan. Vince Desjardins. Jack Mudgett. Fuzzy Bracowicz. And then there was Ace Merrill.

Yes Mr Chambers... - Eyeball ChambersWhere stories live. Discover now