Two years now

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Chapter 27 - Two years now

"I can't believe you've been with us for almost two years now." Principal Rick Carter spoke with a smile as he looked around Eyeball's classroom.

Eyeball sighed as he nodded, leaning back in his chair as he too, looked around his classroom.

"I can't believe I actually settled in San Francisco." Eyeball mumbled as he looked back down at his desk before back up at the principal.

"Oh that reminds me!" The principal turned to him as he stopped walking around the desks in the classroom. "I have assigned our new teacher trainer to you."

Eyeball instinctively groaned as he shook his head. "You can't be serious! I told you when I started I don't wanna be the type that-"

"So this is classroom 5A." A female voice spoke as the principal's assistant walked into Eyeball's classroom as Eyeball groaned again, slinking himself down in his chair slightly.

"Oh thank you, I-" Another female voice's came as another female walked in, yet she stopped as she saw Eyeball.

"Mr Chambers, this is our trainee Miss Markes." The principal introduced the pair, believing there was no way they had met.

Eyeball couldn't help a small smirk that came to his face as his eyes locked with hers.

"Pleasure's all mine." He couldn't help but look her up and down slightly.

"Well we'll leave you two to get acquainted before the students start coming in in half an hour." The principal gave them both a smile before he headed for the classroom exit, gesturing for his assistant to join me.

"You gonna give me an explanation?" Eyeball asked as the door shut between them and he was alone with Magnolia, for the first time in a few years.

"You really want one?" She asked as she walked over to his desk.

"Think I deserve one." Eyeball shrugged as he shuffled against his chair but remained leaning back.

"It's almost as if my sister has got married and had a baby with your best friend, who's blood runs in my veins and who will tell me anything, including where you are." Magnolia spoke as she sat herself up on Eyeball's desk in front of him.

Eyeball pushed his chair back slightly so Magnolia could get comfortable on the desk as she let her legs hang.

"Ace tell you where I was? You're following me now huh?" He asked as he sat up straight and let his elbows rest on the arms of his chair. "That don't explain how you become a teacher, or teacher in training."

Magnolia sighed as she shrugged. "Guess you could say I had a pretty influential teacher back in high school."

"Yeah?" Eyeball asked as the smirk on his face grew.

Magnolia nodded as she let her hands rest on the desk, either side of her legs. "He was great see, really funny, really smart, strong, handsome, protective."

Eyeball's confidence and ego only continued to grow.

"Yeah..." Magnolia sighed as she seemingly daydreamed about him. "He was so amazing, always giving the best lessons too."

"Well..." Eyeball mumbled as he shuffled again, a proud cocky smirk still remaining on his face.

"Yeah... Man I really miss Mr Tessio." Magnolia sighed out.

Eyeball instantly snapped his head up in her direction, the shock, horror and somewhat anger on his face as Magnolia burst out laughing.

"Relax I'm joking! I got a present for you that should cheer you up." She laughed out as she stood off his desk.

Eyeball watched silently, the small scowl on his face. Though it slowly disappeared as he watched Magnolia reaching her hands completely up her skirt.

In a split second a thin red lace thong fell down her bare legs as she stepped out of if, bending to pick it up.

"You know, I could have a new girlfriend." Eyeball mumbled as he watched Magnolia with eagle eyed attention.

Magnolia shrugged unfazed as she leant forward, tucking her underwear into the jacket pocket of Eyeball.

"Hasn't stopped you from fucking me senseless before."

Eyeball couldn't help but let out a small laugh. "You know we're in a classroom."

Magnolia shook her head as she reached down into her bag on the floor. Eyeball had no shame in hiding his attention on her rear as she bent over.

"We're in our classroom." She answered as she straightened up, now pulling out a small table plaque that had her name on, placing it down beside the one that stated Eyeball's name on his desk.

"We do have half an hour before classes start..." He mumbled as watched her.

Magnolia didn't answer as she began walking over to his classroom door.

"I never said you could leave!" Eyeball called out.

"Oh I'm not leaving." Magnolia laughed slightly, ensuring the door was shut before she flicked the lock switch and pulled down the small blind that covered the window of the door.

"Get that perky little ass over here now."

Magnolia turned as she saw Eyeball had stood up and was now pulling off his belt, wrapping it around one of his hands.

"Yes Mr Chambers..."


Okay okay! Don't hate me! I hate ending stories but something in me just told me this one had to end like this!

I wanna start a new Ace one, as I keep getting so many requests for another Ace Fic but I honestly don't have a clue when I'll be posting it, I've only really got basic ideas for one so it's still in early stages! ❤️

As always, thank you all for your ongoing support and love, whether you've read one or two or all of my Cobra fics, I truly cherish you all ❤️

Yes Mr Chambers... - Eyeball ChambersWhere stories live. Discover now