𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨𓇽

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"Hello class, please meet our new student Briella Martinez"

My heart dropped. The entire class looked right at me, 26 pairs of eyes starring directly at me and I didn't know what to do. Am I supposed to get up and say hi, or just sit and smile? That's what I did, sit and smile.

"Briella, can you tell us a bit about yourself?"

Of course, she has to single me out like this on my first day.

"Umm, well my name is Briella Martinez, but you can call me Brie. I moved from LA a couple days ago, it was a long drive but we made it. I don't know what else to say really. "

I think my face was as red as a tomato after that. I hate how teachers just expect students to enjoy sharing personal things about themselves on their first day in a new school, or any day to be honest. She continued with her class, as if nothing had happened and the boredom started to hit. I think the entire class was feeling the same way.

As I was taking my notes on different ways to start an essay, this guy poked my shoulder.

"Hey, I'm John B, that's my nerdy friend Pope"

"Really, nerdy friend. You can just introduce me like a normal person John B"

"Hi, nice to meet you guys" I laughed at the two.

"You see that blond guy over there? With the tank top and jeans on?"-jb

"Yeah, yeah I do"

"He wants John B to ask you to come to the chateau after, but don't tell him we said that"

"Pope, not cool man. JJ is gonna kill you"

"Uhm, I don't think ill be able to, I have to pick up my brother after school and make him supper"

"Couldn't your parents just do that?"

"No, they... have to work late so I can't leave until like 6;30"

"Alright, ill be at yours at 6;30 to pick you up"

"I really don't know John B, my brother might be sad or..."

"Look, if we don't get you to come not only is JJ gonna beat me up, but he'll get John B too. I'm trying to go at least a week without any attacks from JJ. Please come, you will have fun, and you'll meet some other people like Sarah and Kie"

"Okok, I'll come but I need a lift then"

"Ill be there, 6;30"

"Umm alright I guess, here's my address"

I gave John B my address. Pope and John B gave JJ a thumbs up and he did this adorable little happy dance. I couldn't help but giggle, he looked like a real funny, genuine guy. I was looking forward to hanging with them tonight, making things feel a bit more normal.

The rest of the day was as expected, boring, awkward and unpleasant. I was happy to hear that final bell. After school I made my way to Diego's school to pick him up. When I got there, I could tell he had fun by the look on his face and the amount of energy he had.

"Ellie! Today was so much fun! We made ice cream Sundays at lunch for Oliver's birthday. Then we all played bulldog with balloons which was SO MUCH FUN, and everyone was supper nice. They all like the avengers just like me and at recess..."

"Woah Gogo, slow down. You're talking to fast for my brain."

"Sorry, it was a really good day! What's for supper tonight?"

"I don't know, I'm gonna have to make something up with the stuff papa has in the fridge."

As we walked home, all I heard about was how incredible his day was. I was happy he had a good first day, and I was surprised the kids were so nice. I would've thought the would've been a bit awkward around Diego at first but they all seemed so kind. He mentioned so many new names, I was sure he was going to adjust here quick.

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