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Chapter 172

Died so quickly without pain. If you obey, I will stab you. Otherwise, there will be a few more holes," the other party threatened with a direct smile.

Everyone suddenly stiffened for a moment, and then remained motionless, it should be said that they were destined to not escape. However, Yin Tiantian would not kill those superpowers. Of course, brainwashing pills are still more useful. These people Yin Tiantian only needs to make them obedient machines. Others are not needed.

In the end, those people were killed by others in a curse. But at the same time, Yin Tiantian also feels the changes in the world now, or it should be said that it is aimed at the changes in country Z.

I vaguely felt that a huge crisis was coming. But Yin Tiantian didn't look afraid at all. Who let her know a little, just a while soon. Those zombies will solve those guys for themselves.

However, it seems that those zombies not only pay attention to other countries, but also beat their ideas to themselves. Originally, the surrounding zombies were almost solved, but they did not expect that after a heavy rain a month later, the survivor base ushered in the first war with zombies.

It rained heavily,. Torrential rain fell for a whole day and night. Everyone had no choice but to sit back at home and watch the rapidly rising water level outside.

It's good that it's already high here. And the walls that were built later created places for water. Who flows directly into the rivers, lakes and seas. Don't worry.

According to the above display of the wisdom brain, the rain will stop in half a day, and it should be said that the rain will stop in the evening. Yin Tian fiddled with the computer boredly. Now that the Internet has recovered, I have nothing to do and find a few novels. Or a few films; Come and pass the time.

In the morning, I got up and took a look at the heavy rain outside.3 Yin Tiantian turned on the computer, then searched for what he was looking for, and then got into the bath to prepare to take a bath while playing the movie.

However, as soon as the water was opened, I felt the oozing feeling coming from afar. It is the energy response of zombies. And a lot. And the direction close is the survivor base here. So the alarm was sounded directly.

Everyone was eating early in the morning, some sleeping. Some are watching TV. Suddenly, the alarm sounded. Everyone reacted immediately, and they all gathered together with umbrellas and looked down from above, which was really spectacular.

"I just noticed a large group of zombies approaching us. The number of zombies should be several thousand. So everyone has to be defensive. Be sure to prepare well. Yin Tiantian said directly with a megaphone. At this time, my mutant bird, which originally went out to investigate, fell directly. Yin Tiantian was stunned after reading the information. "Half of these zombie groups are mutated animals, so you must be careful."

After Yin Tiantian finished speaking, everyone moved quickly. As if you were always ready, you will directly take out your weapon and run towards the outermost perimeter of the survivor base.

The weapons that can be used now are only the bows and arrows of the past. I didn't expect to go back in time.

That kind of weapon age.

Ye Mengyao looked at everyone's departure, and suddenly sighed, "

What's wrong with you," Yin Tiantian asked.

"There's nothing just nostalgic for the past. The memories of the past are still fresh," Ye Mengyao said.

"Well, haven't you forgotten yet? If you really want to recall the past and go into battle directly," Yin Tian said with a smile.

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