Chapter 6: Mom

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A much faster update. Shocking.

Ochako held a tray with some soup in a bowl and some fresh squeeze orange juice that took her awhile to make due to squishing the oranges too hard. She knocked softly on the door. She didn't hear anything and she opened it anyway, slowly peeking inside to see her green haired friend/crush was fast asleep. Most of the blanket covered his body, going up to just under his chin

She went inside the room. She walked over to the bed and laid down the tray on a nearby side table, before turning around to look at Izuku's sleeping face snoring quietly.

'I was hoping he was awake to eat and drink to get some protein and vitamin C. I'll just leave this here in case he wakes up soon. I can always heat his soup up later if not.' She thought to herself as she looked at the young man.

After a few seconds of looking at him, she turned around and started to tiptoe towards the door quietly. Not careful enough though. A bit of a loud squeak came from the floor. She looked behind her to see Izuku slowly open his eyes. He weakly turned his head to look at her.

"O... Ochako." He said even more weakly. His eyes looked tired, his face was pale, and his lips were quivering when he spoke. Even an idiot would realize he was sick.

Ochako sighed and walked over to him. She pulled out the chair near his computer and sat down next to him in it. " Hey Deku. Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up." She apologized to her friend.

" It's okay." He glanced over to the side table. "Is this for me?" He asked seeing the glass of oj and soup.

"It is indeed. I don't know much about health, but I know the bare minimum is eating and drinking well. And I didn't want you to eat anything with a lot of sugar so I just grabbed these " She explained, never taking her eyes off him.

Izuku forced a weak smile.

"Orange juice is full os sugar Ochako " Ochako knew the smile was forced, though if he wasn't sick it would most likely be genuine.

"Oh... Sorry. Here." She grabbed the glass
"I'll go get some water instead" She offered.

"It's fine. You already carried me in here and brought me food and drink..y... you've already done a lot. Besides I don't want you to get sick either. " Even though he was sick, he was still thinking about her. Ochako's heart started to flutter.

"You've done more for me than I can ever repay you for Deku. It's nothing. And luckily I wasn't programmed to get sick... To a degree at least " She started to head for the door with the cub in her hands.

"Alright... By the way. How long have I been out for?" Izuku asked watching Ochako.

"You've had a few waking spells all night. But right now, it's almost 6 am Thursday. So just under 6 hours since I found you on the floor. Now I'll be right back" She opened his bedroom door.

" Alright." Izuku closed his eyes again as Ochako stepped out and closed the door gently.


Something fell. And it came from the inside of his room. Ochako grabbed the door handle with her metallic hand and threw it open to see Izuku into the floor next to his bed.

"DEKU!" Ochako shouted. She dropped the orange juice letting it shatter on the floor while running over to him. Are you alright!?" Ochako asked as she lifted the top half of him up.

"Ochako...t...the bakery. I-

"Deku it's fine!" She helped him back into his bed and pulled the blankets over him again. " I already closed it for the day. I also put a note that says it will be for awhile until you recover. Now just foc-

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