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•[Name] thinks of Kaburamaru as a friend more then a pet.

•[Name] thinks of Kaburamaru as a friend more then a pet

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It was a hot day, all the kids in the classroom were sweating, heterochromic eyes looked outside the window in boredom, as the other students in the class kept on chattering "I can't believe it's already the second semester! Someone spoke.

The ravenette gave a glance to the student who spoke , before turning her head and minding her own business, 'Yeah I can't believe it...' you silently thought agreeing with the student.

You didn't have any friends in the class, (that's what you think) although you were quite popular for your peculiar eyes, some made fun of it, while most were mesmerized by them.

But you weren't the nicest person in the school, And nobody could approach you without getting ignored.

"Good morning [Name]" You turned to the sound of the voice to see her, Mira kim, you silently glanced at her before nodding as in acknowledging her existence.

Mira internally sighed, 'Well it's better than nothing!' She thought as she went back to her desk, when she left you suddenly felt someone glaring a hole through your head, It didn't take a genius to understand it was Zack Lee but you didnt judge him too much, afterall you used to be like him.

"Geez it's so hot" one of Zack's goons commented "lose weight" the skinny said while laughing. "Its still hot in September"

'September....' you thought, sometimes you wondered how life would be if you were just born into a normal family, why did you have to go through all that? Did you deserve it? You didn't know.

You laid your head on the desk   I'm tired, this school sucksand not only was the teacher late, but those three little pigs of Zack were ticking you off,   Scumbags...  You thought in disdain. Kaburamaru who was resting on your desk simply glanced at you.

Hiss* ( "You don't have to pay them attention, they're just cowards who like to pick on people weaker than them? Do you see how they cower infront of you? Lol" )

You glance at him, before sighing at your Serpent's sadistic antics, sometimes you wonder how he speaks so much in one sound. "AHHH"   What the hell? Who's screaming?   You thought caught off guard.

You looked at the commotion only to see Kaburamaru biting Doo's thigh,  "..."

"AHHH, GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF!! ITS POISONING ME!!" Doo screamed before fainting. Silence engulfed the whole classroom. You deadpanned at your juniors foolishness.

"He's not dead, he just fainted" you said, not acting surprised when Zack slammed his hands down on your desk. "Oh yeah?? And how are you so sure he's not dead!?" Zack shouted at you, as you grimaced in disdain.

"You can clearly see his chest rising up and down, and Kaburamaru isn't poisonous" you said, as Zack stilled look down at you with hesitation. Well you don't actually know if Kaburamaru is poisonous or not. But you were sure he wouldn't kill anyone.

The culprit of the whole occasion, came back slithering onto your arm, as if he did not just traumatize a bunch of teenagers.

"If you're so worried about your sidekick, I'm pretty sure the smartest decision is to immediately take him to the infirmary" you said, as the light bulb immediately switched in Zack's head.

Doo was immediately taken to the infirmary, you glared at your snake who looked at you as though he was wronged. "Why did you do it?" You sighed.

Hiss* ("Because I wanted to") He replied as though it was reasonable enough. "I did not raise you to be like thi-"

The teacher is here!!" Someone shouted, cutting you off, you side glanced at your Serpent as if saying 'This isn't over yet'.

"Quite! We have a new transfer student" the teacher announced. The class immediately erupted in chatters, you weren't bothered enough to be interested.

"Come in" the teacher said, the door immediately slided open, and when the student came in, the class immediately became silent. "Im Daniel Park, Nice to meet you.." although He seemed calm he was actually panicking inside, You only spared him a glance.

"Take that empty seat" the teacher said, Daniel immediately walked over and sat Down there was a uproar in the class, the groups were divided into 3.

1.The group whose, heart raced.(females+ Jay included)

2. The group to be cautious of him. (Male)

3. The one person who was too depressed to care.(You)

Murmurs erupted between the girls, they all started complimenting and talking about the new kid, Hiss* ("All these hoes are thirsty, as if they have a chance") Kaburamaru said, as you stared at him in concern,   Should I take him to a veterinarian?

Oh and did you mention that the teacher started sleeping? You heard some commotion next to you, you looked at your seatmate Zoe park 'She's at it again....' you thought as you watch her doll herself up, "Where did she get the hair straightener from?"


You decided to skip lunch today, relying mostly on your liquid diet.

You looked around to see Zoe staring lovestruck at a sleeping Daniel, Hiss* ("Doing that in public is crazy")  Kaburamaru commented, you could never understand what your serpent always talked about, you guessed you were too old for this generation.

Just as you were about to go to sleep like the transfer kid , a loud noise interrupted you "F**K!!", Daniel suddenly cursed, Zoe looked horrified whereas the female population of the class were in ecstasy.

You thought Zoe would be disturbed by Daniel's cursing but she fell even more inlove. You found it weird, you glanced down the window watching all the citizens go on their life, although you hated your school.

You were quite glad that people could now live in peace without having to worry about their lives, sometimes, you wished you could too.

Rewritten- ✔️



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𝕄𝕖𝕒𝕟𝕚𝕖, LOOKISM [REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now