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[Did you know? Iguro, used to be the sweetest girl around, I wonder what changed]

[Did you know? Iguro, used to be the sweetest girl around, I wonder what changed]

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"WHAT, a get together?" Daniel asked the three goons, as you glanced at them.  These things..... Are up to no good....  You thought, as they talked to Daniel about 'how friends should get together' and the topic 'friends' seemed to have struck a chord in Daniel's heart.

"Okay, I can hang out for a couple hours.." Daniel said as he fantasized on all the fun things friends do together, while you stared at Daniel in Disdain  What a fool, He'll get nowhere in life with that mentality   You thought as you looked away.

Daniel turned to look at you   I've never seen [Name] hang out with anyone before, does she not have friends?   Daniel thought as he stared at you.  Maybe... I can ask her to come with us! I'm sure she'll be happy!!".  Daniel thought innocently, not noticing Zoe eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Wait [Name]!!" Daniel shouted as he ran after you,   Oh great, I should've gone the other way  you turned around to see him on his knees huffing and puffing.   Woah! [Name]'s so fast! Even for walking!    Daniel brought back his composure before looking at you with slightly red tinted cheeks   (not inlove y'all)

"What do you want" you asked  "um.. do you... Maybe want to... Join me for a get together?"  Daniel asked expectantly "A get together?"  "Yea! A-".

"A get together with a bunch of kids who dont know how to respect others? A get together with people who speak rashly about other citizens? Or a get together with assholes who find entertainment in ruining the lives of others because they don't have anything to do in theirs?"

You said calmly as Daniel stood in shock, "I don't know what goes in that head of yours, or what even delusioned you to think WE were close enough to hang out, I only went with you in order to not ruin my reputation, other than that we have no such friendship as you think" you glared.

"Uh- Oh, um" The younger boy was too stunned too speak, He thought both of you were indeed close. (Just because you guys ate lunch together one time? You can think better Daniel) he knew you were right but he was sure that they could change!

You stared at him with a raised eyebrow, you scoffing and walking away "Next time we meet, we do not know each other and are strangers"

Daniel stood there being left in the dust. As he clenched his fists.

𝕄𝕖𝕒𝕟𝕚𝕖, LOOKISM [REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now