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[Name] is the second weakest in terms of physical strength ]

[Name] is the second weakest in terms of physical strength ]

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That was the first thing you heard the moment you entered the school 'So Noisy.... How annoying' you thought irked at the monkeys.

Apparently Zack had challenged Daniel to a fight for some reason. A crowd surrounded your classroom, as you saw there was no absolute way to get in, you just stood there. Not bothering to squeeze through the crowd.

You were getting tired from all the noise and someone noticed. You felt a tap on your shoulder huh? You looked back to see Eli Jang from the beauty dept.

What does he want now? You thought annoyed , "here this is for you" Eli said as he handed you ear plugs , you looked at him in distrust, staring at the earplugs before looking back at him in hesitance.

"No thanks" you said before looking ahead once more only for him to snatch your hand and place the earplugs on them, "I insist" he said, as you glared at him. Before pushing the earplugs back to him, "and I insist that you learn how to take a no for an answer"

You then walked away from him going to another side of the crowd.

Eli watched your retreating figure before sighing, as you turned your back on him and walked away, the fight had already ended as Daniel has knocked out Zack with a punch to the solar plexus.

Daniel saw the interaction between you and Eli  frowning slightly thinking Eli was picking on you, so he decided to make you his friend!!

[Name]: "I should've accepted the damn earplugs"

You were sitting on your desk as you were wondering who created maths and how the hell did everyone just go along with him, like some weirdo decided to wake up one day and draw random symbols and call them 'numbers'

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You were sitting on your desk as you were wondering who created maths and how the hell did everyone just go along with him, like some weirdo decided to wake up one day and draw random symbols and call them 'numbers'

Your train of thoughts got interrupted as you felt another tap on your shoulder  what's with people tapping me today?   You turned around only to see that the schools hottest topic was standing infront of you I can already smell the insults from a mile away. You thought annoyed.

Hiss* ("You doomed now bro, prepare yourselves for wet books") Kaburamaru as you glared at him, "I'll throw you to cannibals" you whispered to him, before raising any eyebrow at the new kid.

Daniel stood infront of you with slightly red tinted cheeks (no he doesn't like you.......yet).

"U-um you're [Name] right?" He asked you,  No I'm the president of the United States. You thought sarcastically before nodding at him not in the mood to talk.

Whereas Zoe who was clinging to Daniel's side gave you the stinkiest glare. Oh boy...

"W-Would like to eat lunch with me!?" Daniel asked shyly while Zoe stared at him in horror, No! Danny don't invite her!!  "No" you said bluntly rejecting him immediately. Daniel's mood immediately sullen,  yes!! Zoe thought happily.

"Oh.... Okay" Daniel said as slouched down slightly, with sad puppy eyes as Zoe comforted him. You stared at him in disbelief Is he trying to guilt trip me? You thought annoyed. Your serpent feeling pity for the dumb boy tried to convince you to accepting the invite.

"Kaburamaru why are you on his side??" You asked angrily as your snake looked away l, Hiss* ("Don't you feel pity for the boy") he asked as you side eyed him. Hiss* ("If you go with him, I swear I won't watch my dramas on full volume at 3 am!!") he said as you started contemplating. "Deal".

You huffed in your mind before standing "wait" you called out him, Daniel immediately turned to you expectantly, while Zoe looked shocked, "I'll go... I have nothing to go anyways" you said avoiding eye contact with him. "Really!!" Daniel asked happily, you just sighed internally before nodding your head.

Just this once.

Rewritten- ✔️



Lmao short chapter 💀


Bro has no business in being THAT FINE

Bro has no business in being THAT FINE

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𝕄𝕖𝕒𝕟𝕚𝕖, LOOKISM [REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now