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[Who is that girl I see?
Staring straight, back at me]

[Who is that girl I see?Staring straight, back at me]

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You were currently walking down the street 'That kid is weird'. You thought as you continued your walk  I'll have to keep an eye on him.

*Hiss?  ("So you're gonna stalk him?)

"What!? No!" you said offended that he even thought of that, you walked past a familiar convenience store 'Should I buy a drink?' you thought before walking towards the store, but someone exited just as you were about to enter.

Both you and the stranger bumped into each other, "what the hell-"  "oh I'm so sorry!" You said before the stranger apologized, you looked up to see a pretty girl who had the ability to wrap any guy around her finger.

"Next time, watch where you're going" you said roughly before walking past her and going into the store. You noticed the cashier and the cashier noticed you, it was as if time stopped as mini Daniel was going through a crisis on how you caught him during his exercising

Name:  "......"

Daniel: "........"

"If you are going to exercise do it in your home or the gym, not in the middle of the convenience store" you said, "Oh! Thank you for the tip!" The cashier said embarrassed, as he slowly stood up from the ground.

Oh no! I can't believe she caught me exercising! How embarrassing!!

You raised your eyebrows.  How is that a tip, isn't it common sense?   You thought dumb founded before shaking your thoughts not bothered to question Korea.

The cashier immediately rushed behind the counter as you picked out a random drink you saw on an ad, before walking towards him "here" you said placing the drink on the counter.

The doors of the store opened as a scrawny looking boy with glasses as big (probably bigger) as his face, 'He looks like trouble, and isn't he the kid from my class?'  you thought as you gave him a glance before paying for your drink and leaving.


"Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something?"   *Hiss ("You left your wallet in the store")  "Oh? That's it? Then just leave it" you said uncaring before continuing your walk. Hiss!!* ("All your money and cards are inside there!!")

"I know that? Obviously" you said "I have no use of the money, and I still have 15 more wallets" you replied casually acting as if you hadn't left probably $1000 back in the convenience store.

You moved to the side as someone was about to bump into you, them about to fall face first on the ground if you hadn't caught them.

You saw familiar blonde hair as your eyes widened in shock "Ryuhie?" You said confused only to realise the person you caught was a girl, and not in fact the little burden from Japan.

"Thanks for catching me and who's Ryuhie?-" the girl turned around but stopped in her tracks "[Name]!?" She exclaimed surprised as you raise your eyebrows, How does she know me?  You thought confused as you tried to remember any other blonde you knew than Rengoku, and Ryuhie.

"It's me! ? Mary from the vocal and dance dept!" Mary said grinning as the switch in your brain finally clicked, "ah" was all you said, as she sweatdropped at your bluntness.

"Anyways, what's a pretty girl like you doing outside of your house this late at night?" She asked, as you widened your eyes in amusement Pretty? Me? As if . You thought mockingly before looking up at Mary. "I could say the same for you"

She stopped in her tracks becoming frozen, as a slight red dusted her cheeks, "Oh! I didn't know you were such a flirt!!" She said happily as she smacked your back multiple times, you staring at her with an exasperated expression .

"Hey! Wanna exchange numbers?" She grinned as you simply stared at her, (just so you know both of you were walking together and her arm was on your shoulders pulling your shorter stature near hers)

"Numbers?" You said "Yea! I want to get to know you more!" She said happily as you looked ahead blankly. "Why?"    "Huh?"

"Why do you want to know me more?" You said,  although it seemed like a simple question, anyone could understand it had a deeper meaning. She seemed stunned by the question, looking up in the sky contemplating her answer.

"Because... I think you're a good person" she said softly, you looked at her, before scoffing "Aren't I mean tho?" You said mocking yourself as she stared at you in surprise.

"I don't think you're truly mean" she said as you stared at her quietly waiting to continue her sentence. "You have sad eyes"

You stopped in your tracks, thinking about the words she had said to you,  you started to laugh lightly, you thought she was just some girl who stuck around Vin Jin for popularity. You looked at the direction where the blonde had disappeared.

I guess I thought wrong.

'You have sad eyes'

Rewritten- ✔️


I'm currently in my village rn, it's literally raining, it's so cold here, I like the cold 😼

The new book cover!! Made by yours truly
(Art does not belong to me)

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𝕄𝕖𝕒𝕟𝕚𝕖, LOOKISM [REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now