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[Iguro's past will always haunt me]

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THE DOOR SLID OPENED, as Daniel flinched and turned to look at the people who caught him singing.

"H- hello" the small guy spoke as he looked towards Daniel, who was a blushing mess at being caught in singing  Oh no! I can't believe someone caught me singing!!

( I just realised how Y/N coded that scene is )

 Daniel then turned to look at you who was also standing near the door with a raised eyebrow. You didn't know he could sing? Well you never bothered to find out anyway.

And [Name] heard it too!! How embarrassing!!   He thought, being in his own world until the little guy spoke up again "l- let's perform together at the festival" Daniel stared at him in shock.

A festival? This school does festivals now? You thought sarcastically, you really hated your school it seemed. " I know it sounds crazy but I was wrong about you!! I feel the honesty in your voice"

Wrong about him? So they met before? You just stood there as the chubby guy gave a proposal to Daniel to sing with him at the concert.

"Can....... Can I really do that?"

Silence was there as you md Daniel walked together, you were still confused on how both of you suddenly became close enough to walk together. Destiny's game I suppose?

"[Name]... About the concert... Do you think I can do it?" Daniel asked you, he didn't know why but he felt comfortable around you, like you would listen to everyone's problems and be there for them. Even though you berated him harshly, and indirectly called him an idiot in the beginning (He doesn't know that)

"Hmm... I don't know. But... You are good at singing I can confirm that" you said casually "s- so you really think I can do it??" Daniel asked expectantly.

"Well that depends on you"

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𝕄𝕖𝕒𝕟𝕚𝕖, LOOKISM [REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now