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                       EKANSH POV

A:  Thank you so much Ekansh for dropping me .... (She said with a beautiful smile, Once for a while I started liking my name...)

E: Hmm... It's okay.. ( I said in a soft tone as much as possible)


    What happened Naitik???... Why you want to meet now ??... Do you really think that I interested in your bachelor party !!... Aish!!.. okay okay I am coming....

  A:  Hey Bro do you enjoy a ride with My Akshu... ( He said while smirking and my focus was only on two words My Akshu... While gretted my teeths I said...)

E: Your Akshu huh!!... ( I said in a scarticst way...)

A: So what  she was my partner in dance.... ( While holding his collar I said)

E: She was your dance partner but she danced with me and in future also she always dance with me understood!!... ( I said while yelling...)

A: Relax Bro!!... I understood that she danced with you but in future how she will always dance with you!!... What your fucking relationship with her??... ( He said while raising his voice..)

E: Because she is My Angel... I fucking love her and no one in this world separate us!!....

A: Wow!!.. Finally you accepted that you love her but remember one thing if in future you hurt her you always seen me against you!!...( He said in a cold way... I was shock never in my wild dream I think Avayansh talk to me in this way...)

E: I never saw you like this why you fucking care for her so much??... ( I said feeling jealous..)

A: I think you forgot that who was Akshu??... Let me remind you she was my Little sister who got kidnapped and we never found her, in a age of 2!!...
If she was with us may be she was same age of Akansha and I don't know when I saw Akansha first time I see My Akshu in her I felt connected with her ... ( He said while fighting with tears...)

E:  I am sorry Bro!!.. and I promise and swear to Maa ,I never hurt her if in future by mistake or misunderstanding I hurt her , I will make it up for her!!.. ( I said while seeing in his eyes..)

A: If in future by mistake you hurt if she want to give you a chance I will support her or if she don't want to give you a chance the Mark my words you never seen her in your life!!...

N: Relax guys!!.. you are here for my bachelor party... ( He said while lighting the mood!!...)

   Soon Bachelor party started but my mind was stuck in Avayansh words what if because of my trust issues problems I loose her !!... I can't handle it if she leave me and I know Avayansh and his power he will try his best to keep me away from her!!... Ahh!!.. Ahh!!.. ( I groan while holding my hairs in fists!!..)

   Soon a slut type girl approach me , she put her hand on my chest through my Abs but I hold her hand tightly and push her by showing my finger i said I Reserved for My Angel only she has right to touch me , Fuck me and kill me also, I am King and only his Queen has right to touch him understand!!....

      I said and exit the club!!...

             AT HOME

B: Bittu aa gaya kaise rahi party!!... ( Bittu you came how was your party)

E: Maa it's fine, I am tired I am going for sleep!!...( I said while not making eye contact with her..)

She understood and replied in hmm!!...

Without saying anything further I walk towards my room!!...

After sometimes someone knock on my door , i said come in and Maa come with oil in her hand!!...

Sleep I will massage you hair!!..

Without Arguing I put my head in her lap , because whenever anything happens it will always work!!..

While stroking my hairs she said it's about Akansha right!!...

I look at her with widen eyes and asked how you know??..

She replied I am your mother!!..

While rolling my eyes I again put my head in her lap and said to Maa you know after her , I started suffering from trust issues problems, I never trusted and loved any girl but the feeling i felt with Akansha is different, I really really love her at any cost i want to protect her but i.. i.. sca.. sc.. scared.. because of my past .. i.i.. i . Hu.. hurt her ... ( I said while crying and hugging my maa).... (She looked at me widen eyes because in past eight years i never cry once ...)... ( By cupping my face and softly rub my tears with her thumb she said...)

      Do you trust me and your father, sister and your Bestfriends ??

   Without thinking once I directly said yes!!....

     Just like you trust us in that way you have to trust Akansha!!...

     It's not easy to trust anyone Maa!!... I scared of being betrayed again Maa!!.. what if she also play games with me just like samaira play with me and my feelings!!...

   Do you trust me??...

      Yes !!..

   Remember when you started dating samaira me and your papa was against it , we eventually try to make understand that she is not a right girl for you but you....

  ( I immediately stop her from saying further because I can't handle this guilt how I only believe her not my parents..)

   Maa why are you bringing past!!.

  I am not bringing past I am just telling that Akansha is perfect girl for you, rather question of trust give her a chance to gain your trust and I am damn sure she never bring us down!!...

    But one thing I want to clear you that , there is a word called misunderstanding many people may backbitting you, but never let this misunderstanding in your relationship understood!!...

     Hmm!!.... After some time I slept thinking about everything!!...


So guys new character Samaira, Ekansh 's ex- girlfriend....

Do you think due to his problem there relationship come to an end or it bloomed with happiness..?

Do you think there is any relationship between Avayansh and Akansha??


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