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Avyansh inform me about Papa outburst and decision!!...

By sighing I get ready to take my bride with me ,I know it's difficult but I had to do this.....

I call one of my lawyer friend and take him with me;

At Kapoor's Mansion:

I also took Mom & Dad with me first they are very angry with my decision but i blackmail them atlast for my sake they agree with me .....

By Shaking my thoughts i enter the mansion , I was on the cloud nine because from today onwards i will Live with My Angel 😁😁

I enter Papa see me and welcome me by holding my Collar well this is expected;

Mr.Kapoor: How dare you to come here??....He said while greeting his teeths!!..

E: Relax Papa why are you being so hyper??... Let's talk peacefully!!...

Mr.Kapoor: Out from my house now!!..
He said shouting!!..

E: Okay I will,but send My Angel with me!!...I said with a smirk !!..

Mr.Kapoor: No way in the hell I send my daughter with you!!...
He roared like a lion!!..

From the corner of my eyes I saw My Angel flinched badly!!...

By taking a deep breath I looked at lawyer and sign him to explain everything!!...

Lawyer: Hello!!.. Mr.Kapoor Myself Devansh Agarwal!!...

By taking deep breath Papa said;

Mr.Kapoor: I know you!!..
Offcourse he knows him he is famous lawyer!!..

Devansh: Listen Mr.Kapoor I know everything in which circumstances they get married and in which situation you bring your daughter!!...
Without letting him complete Papa intreputt

Mr.Kapoor: Bring divorce paper my daughter will not spend any moment with him!!..
Papa said in cold voice....

Everyone loves to test my patience isn't it??..

Before i could say anything Devansh start speaking;

Devansh: Listen Mr.Kapoor Divorce is not that easy like you are saying if I file divorce today then only they need to spend atleast 6 months together!!..

And if any party are not ready for divorce then it might take years,in this case Mr.Ekansh Malhotra is not ready for divorce!!...

So I Suggest you for Arbitration means out of court settlement!!...

Mr.Kapoor: So that means my daughter will stuck with him for whole life!!...
Papa said anger is dripping not only in his eyes but also from his mouth!!...

Vijay: I know buddy what you feel I am also a father of a daughter and trust me I always take care of your daughter trust us!!...
Dad said joining his hand infront of Papa!!..
Papa quickly took his hand in his hands and said,I can't do this please understand!!.

By sighing Papa nooded!!..

E: Fine Papa you don't want to send your Princess with me it's Okay!!....So from today onwards I live here with My Angel until and unless you accept me as you Son-in-law and My Angel accept me as her husband!!..
I said looking at My Angel shock is clearly visible in her face I smirk at her reaction!!..

Mr.Kapoor: Never ever I am going to accept you as my Son-in-law!!..

I smirk and said

E: Just give me 3 months if you didn't accept me then I divorce her and if didn't give me 3 months and go to court then I get 6 months that to in my house Choice is all yours!!.....

Mr.Kapoor: Fine but you are not going to share room with my daughter infact you are going to stay in store room!!...

Before i could anything Avayansh said;

A: Dad what are you saying??.... Ekansh can stay in my room too right!!..

Mr.Kapoor: Avayansh I am not asking you anything so just shut up!!..
And you Mr.Ekansh Malhotra you are repeatedly saying Papa right so are not agreeing with your Papa!!...
Papa said with mocking smirk!!.....

I know he is testing my patience but for proving,My love for My Angel 💝😇 I have to agree with this!!...

E: I agree with you Papa!!..
I said with determination and look straight into his eyes!!..

He looked shocked with my decision infact everyone looked shocked 😲😲

Maa cupped my face and said;

Bhoomi: I am proud of you son!!... Bring my daughter back I am waiting for you!!..

I smiled and nodded my head.....

Maa go towards My Angel and took her towards Mandir:


Arohi never contacted me in these months,how she get my new mobile number i quickly block her number,i don't want to be any kind of relationship with her!!....

I said bhaiya about this i don't want to hide anything!!...

Before i could say anything to bhaiya I saw , Ekansh and his family are talking with Papa !!..

Suddenly Papa yelled and i flinched hard!!..

The lawyer explain everything to Papa!!..

Most shocking part was that Ekansh agree with Papa conditions for living in store room!!..

Maa come towards me and took me towards Mandir;

Bhoomi: I know my bittu loves you alot!!..
Shock would be an nothing what I listen suddenly maa hold my hand and continue;

I know it's tuff for you to believe but trust me bachha he does and he will prove it this in 3 months!!..

Take as much as test you want my son and i know he will pass with distinction!!..

She said cupping my cheeks!!..

Suddenly she wear me her ancenteral bangles i refused but she is adamant so I look towards mumma she nodded her head so I agree with this!!..

Soon Malhotra leave here except Ekansh he look towards me and smile!!..

But I without looking at him go towards my room!!..


When everyone go I took Ekansh hand and dragged him towards my room!!..

A: If you agree with my dad easily,how we save Akshu from that bastard!!..

E: Have you ever heard killing two bird with one stone,

A: oh so you are here proverbing !!..
I said sarcastically

By rolling his eyes he said;

E: Don' t interupt me and listen, if I took Angel with me with the help of law it took time due to which he definitely do something and if by any chance we proceed our case then Papa will definitely hate me and My Angel will also not able to accept me fully so that why!!..

He said while smirking 😏😏

A: Hmm now i understand!!..


1.How Ekansh convince his in laws and Angel!!..

2.For more updates please join there journey!!...🥳🥳

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