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They all started ready for picnic, Akansha wear white crop top and blue jeans and Ekansh wear White t-shirt and black jeans..

Payal wear blue top and white shorts and Avayansh wear blue t-shirt and white jeans..

Arshi wear black tank top with white jeans and Naitik wear black t-shirt with white jeans..

They all settled in a bus!!...

All started playing Antrakrshi in bus!!...

In this all Ekansh just staring at Akansha!!...

Avayansh and Akansha started dancing suddenly driver pulled break Avayansh stumble a little but Akansha looses her control and fall onto Ekansh lap!!..

They just staring at each other and Ekansh hand on Akansha's waist..

Mrs. Kapoor goes towards them and pulled Akansha from Ekansh!!...

After that every one goes silent!!..

Now every one reach on destination!!..


When I saw My Angel i felt happy but when I saw her clothes I feel more elated!!..

We never planned to wear matching outfits but our destiny plays there cards!!..

We all started playing games i must say she sing very nice, Naitik send me video which she performed at her welcomed party I hope one day she performs for me!!..

Suddenly she lost her balance i quickly hold her but stumble and I fall on seat and Akansha fall onto my Lap!!..

I felt like something poke on my back, but I was too lost in my baby eyes that i didn't realize it!!..

Suddenly Aunty pulled her back , her face is red i smile internally because my effect on her..

After few minutes we all reached to our destination...

I was just looking at everyone excitement but where is my baby... I was looking here and there for her suddenly someone tap on my shoulder i look backwards here she standing holding first aid box!!...

I started panic what happened to her!!..

By holding her shoulder i checked her out she just looking at me confused..

By taking a long breath,i asked Are you alright??..


When all of started walking towards exit my shoes lace opened i started tie my laces , I watched Ekansh towards exit his back was facing me honestly speaking i like when I see our matching outfits!!..

But suddenly my eyes landed on his lower back there was stains of blood how irresponsible he is didn't realize he is injured!!..

I took first aid kit from by backpack and go towards him i tap on his shoulder he turned backwards by seeing first aid kit on my hands he started panicking by holding my shoulder he checked me out from top to bottom, I look towards him why he is too much concerned about me...

E: Are you alright??.. ( He asked worry is clearly laced in his voice..)

A:I am alright..( Without letting me complete my sentence he asked)

E: Why are you taking this first aid box!!.. ( He asked raising his eyebrow)

A: ( By rolling my eyes i said).. It's for you , you hurt your back...

E: Are you worried for me!!.. ( He said while smirking in my ears)

A: No!!.. I can do the same for anyone.. ( I said controlling my heart beats)

Just i said that his smirk wiped off ,his eyes showing hurt but why he is hurt he is one who said he wants divorce!!..

Why he is so confusing!!..

I took his hands and gave first aid kit on his hands and said I send anyone to help you out!!..

Without waiting for his reply i started walking towards everyone!!..

I go towards Payal and asked her to help him with bandage!!..

Her face colour are totally vanished, i looked at her confused just Bhaiya came and said that Payal is suffering from Blood phobia !!..

Bhai said he will help him out!!..

My relation with every Malhotra is very nice , i started feeling alive ...


When she said that it's for me i was on cloud nine, i though to flirt with her but her reply pierced my heart..

I just sat on the corner after sometime Avayansh came and said come on I will do your bandage..

I refused him but he said he told Maa , i don't want to gave any stress to Maa so i agreed..

I took jacket to cover the stains..

Whole day we enjoy alot!!..

Everyone sat near fire place for dinner!!..

I was too happy to see My Angel happy!!..

We all are taking our dinner with Payal and Avayansh bickering!!..

Angel support Payal!!..

Avayansh was just pouting!!..

Suddenly someone Screamed, Cutieeepiee, Rasgulla..

Suddenly Angel stand up we all stand up with her she also screamed, Cherry..

She started running towards him and hugged him really tight , I just hold the spoon very tightly that my knuckles turned into white.. My jaw clenched really hard!!..

She started sobbing on his shoulder it's my limiting point I took long strides towards them but Naitik hold my hands and said Don't take action recklessly..

I started breathing heavily to control my anger and jealousy!!..

I look towards Arshi bhabhi to knowing who is he??.. But she said she don't know him!!..

I saw Avayansh go towards them and gave a punch to him...

Very good i said under breath!!..

But next scene is enough for me to loose my control, My Angel cupped his face and wipe his blood from her thumb!!..

I hold her hand and pulled her towards me she started to wiggle in my embrace but it's none use..

Avayansh was ready to punch him but Uncle stop him and asked Who are you to my daughter??...


1.Who is this new entry??..

2.How it brings twist in there life??.

3.For more updates please join there journey!!.. 💞💞

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