Chapter 2: the micro structures

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This chapter will look at the micro structures that are beyond the infinitude. Beginning with the ein sofs plain of existence (a plain of existence created by the ein sof and the majority of the pics here are from google images) Starting with the ein sof himself

 Beginning with the ein sofs plain of existence (a plain of existence created by the ein sof and the majority of the pics here are from google images) Starting with the ein sof himself

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Ein sof is a being that is unending, (there is) no end, or infinity and is infinite. The ein sof is a being that is immortal being unbound by conventional life and death. The ein sofs plain of existence works through narratology and has an infinite hierarchy of narratives with each narrative fictionally transcending the previous with each narrative working through narratology with each higher narrative having more complex narratology and pataphysical systems than the last (pataphysical is what deals with all forms of meta fiction and nonfictional context which includes reality fiction interaction, 4th wall breaks, real worlds, etc with the pataphysical system being the system to which as to how these metafictions and non fictions work and the higher the narrative, the more complex and complicated as to how these metafictions and non fictional context work). Even the lowest narrative in the ein sofs plain of existence fictionally is unreachable by the infinitude in the same way the infinitude cannot be reached by the abstract hierarchy.

Beyond the infinite narrative stack is the infinite hierarchy of walls with each wall fictionally transcending the previous. The 1st wall in the hierarchy is called the 5th wall which is completely inaccessible to the narrative stack no matter how many narratives there are, it will never reach the 5th wall. The 5th wall is also narratively and conceptually beyond any metafictional 4th wall, pataphysics and narratology as a whole which includes any and all forms of metafiction and non fictional context. The 6th wall fictionally transcend the 5th wall, the 7th wall fictionally transcend the 6th wall and this goes on forever forming the hierarchy of walls.

Beyond the hierarchy of walls is the apotheosis hierarchy which is an endless hierarchy of author avatars with each author avatar viewing the previous as fiction with the lowest author avatar in this hierarchy being unreachable by the hierarchy of walls no matter how many walls are stacked.

Beyond the apotheosis hierarchy is the origin hierarchy which consist of an endless hierarchy of singularities with each singularity fictionally transcending the previous and the lowest singularity in this hierarchy is unreachable by the apotheosis hierarchy no matter how many author avatars are stacked.

Beyond the origin hierarchy is the rethordon. A beyond infinite recursion of the same cosmological structures from the narrative stack to the origin hierarchy with each recursion being unreachable by the last (basically inaccessibly transcending each other).

Beyond the rethordon is the origin tree. A tree with an endless hierarchy of roots with each root viewing the previous as nonexistent. Even the lowest root in this origin tree is unreachable by the rethordon (basically inaccessibly transcend the rethordon).

Beyond the origin tree is the gnostic hierarchy which is made of an endless number of gnosticism worlds which are worlds that operate through gnosticism with each one of these worlds viewing the previous as nonexistent with the 1st gnosticism world in this hierarchy being unreachable by the origin tree (basically inaccessibly transcending the tree).

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