This chapter will be explaining transcendent structures that are beyond the alterverse. These are the structures:
The entityverse
Contains an infinite number of entities that can create an infinite number of alterverses. Although their power levels can vary. However the most powerful among them are the court family which are the strongest entities in the entityverse. As they are responsible for maintaining balance in the entityverse such as 11. Vikros (9th child) a warrior who is responsible for guarding the entityverse from any threats
10. Craw (8th child) he is the executioner who executes any threats to the entityverse if vikros is not enough to do the job as he is more powerful than him
9. Hoforonos (7th child) he observed the entirety of the entityverse to find anyone or anything that might pose a threat to the entityverse and when he finds it, he calls either vikros or craw to eliminate the threat before it gets out of control and if either of them fails, he will take action or will call his elder brothers and his father
Thrownverse series 0: cosmological layout
Randomthis novel will talk about the higher cosmological structures within this fictional universe so that it wouldn't complicate things or be explained to much in the story going forward from here. Since this fictional universe from series one and beyond...