Chapter 15: Loss

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James had an idea.

"Does this ship run on electricity?" he asked.

"Yes it does" replied the custodian currently in the cabin. "Why?"

"I have an idea. Can we somehow transfer all of the electricity into the engines and the main console?"

"Well, yes, sure, we can. However, we will not be able to fight back against the Gal-Gatha whatsoever."

"That doesn't matter," put in Andrew, "We can't hurt it anyway" He glanced at the radar. "It's about to shoot again!" he warned.

"Outside custodian! Why won't you come into the cabin?!?" asked Amber in alarm.

"I can't!" replied the custodian, with a nervous tone in his voice. "It won't come back to the cabin!"

"Hold on, which one of you is the real custodian?" asked James."We both are." they replied in unison, "I just split myself in two."

"Well, come back together, then!"

"It doesn't work like that. We have to be next to each-" but the custodians were cut off when the Gal-Gatha fired again, grazing the side of the ship. They watched in horror as the custodian outside was hit, and watched as he turned into dust.

"No!!!" cried James"

"Custodian!" shouted Andrew.

"Guys, look at the other one!" sobbed Amber. The turned and saw the other custodian was twitching on the floor uncontrollably.

"Do something!" Andrew shouted at Amber, his face streaming with tears.Then they heard a thud, and the custodian lay absolutely still. Then, before their astounded eyes, he faded away into mist. Amber sat on the floor, sobbing. Andrew stood perfectly still, as if by not breathing the custodian would come back. They sat there, not knowing what to do or how to do it. Suddenly, the ship's alarms began to go off.

"Impact in ten seconds" said the computer. James, Amber, and Andrew all jerked up at once, their mind once again filling with the tranquil peace that the presence carried with it wherever it seemed to go. This time, though, it spoke,

"Peace, my children. There is a time for mourning, but this is not that time. The custodian gave up his life to save you. Finish his work." Suddenly invigorated, James dashed to the console. He knew he only had a little time to get his plan to work. He saw the area on the console labeled "Electricity". He turned off everything but the engines, the radar, and the headlights, and filtered the rest of the energy into the four remaining engines. They lit up like beacons, and pure white fire shot out of them. The ship began to tremble as it accelerated. James glanced at their current speed, which was 300mph. He glanced at the radar. The robot was falling behind, but they had absolutely no idea which direction the Mills was.

"Amber! Andrew! Do either of you have your phone?" he yelled over the sound of the engines.

"I do!" yelled Andrew, feeling better as well. "Let's see here...hmm...OK, here it is! According to Google, the Mills is south from here!" James immediately turned, throwing Amber into the wall.

"Hey! If you don't be more careful, I will smack you so hard, you will be seeing stars for the next year!" she yelled, picking herself off the floor. She too, had seemingly forgotten their sadness. She sat in the chair and strapped herself in.

"It's right ahead!" yelled Andrew. James suddenly had a thought.

"Where are we supposed to land?" They sat there in silence.

"The parking lot?" asked Andrew, "Technically, we will be using it to park."

"Never mind that, how are we going to land it? asked Amber, "You turned off the landing gear!" The ship began to shudder ominously, the boost of energy fading.

"I guess we'll have to improvise," said James. Suddenly, the night lit up. A laser streaked by, barely missing their ship. It skimmed the top of the Mills, which they could now see on their radar and the already damaged roof caved in.

"Shoot." said Andrew. "What if the government thinks that was us?"

"Never mind the government, the robot is catching up!" said Amber. She was right. The robot was now visibly gaining on them, loading up for more shots at them.

"Our electricity is running low!" said James.

"Taking evasive maneuvers. Andrew! Get in your seat!" Andrew complied, and James dipped the nose of the ship down. The ship began to hurtle toward the ground, and the robot began to fire a barrage of lasers at them. The first round barely missed the back of their ship. James turned the ship to the right, and sped up slightly. The second round's lasers all missed but one; one of them hit directly in between two of the engines on the left wing. The ship began to shudder, and the left wing caught flame. The robot fired once more, almost right behind them by now. James tried to swerve to the right, but between the small distance between the robot and them and the damaged wing, there was no way they could have dodged this round. Every single laser fired hit them dead on. The first two hit the left wing, and with a huge explosion the left wing came off completely. The second two lasers hit the back of the ship, and all of the remaining engines shut off. With a loud whine they hurtled toward the earth, their ship in flames. "

I'm sorry, guys!' cried James as they fell, "I tried! I really tried!" "

I don't blame you!" said Andrew, "And it didn't matter if you tried or not, it would have gotten us anyway!" By an unheard command, Amber and Andrew rolled over next to James, and together they watched the ground get closer, and closer. They all held hands and squeezed their eyes shut. There was a bright light that they could see even with their eyes closed, the shriek of the engine, and the sound an explosion. And then, silence.

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