Chapter 40: Prophetic Possession

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Why did it hurt? Why did everything hurt?, wondered Amber as she stood silently next to Merlin, not paying any attention to what Arthur was saying. Eventually, she heard a quiet, echoey voice directed toward her.

"Amber...Amber...Amber...Amber! Snap out of it!" The voice woke her out of her stupor, and she shook her head, the redness returning to her cheeks.

"Amber, are you okay?" asked everyone present. She nodded her head.

"You looked like death, Amber." breathed James.

"Seriously, what kind of magic spells were you casting?" asked Andrew.

"I'm okay now. I'm better." replied Amber.

"It makes sense that your spells took a lot out of you, seeing as you're new to it. And I still find It strange that you weren't able to speak to your friends by telepathy." said Merlin.

"I think I know why, Merlin. I just got the wrong person, that's all. Anyways, Arthur, could we have a break?" Amber asked.

"Yes. I say it's about time we had breakfast." replied Arthur.

"Amen to that, brother." said Andrew, starving as usual.

They sat around on the ground, munching on the duck that had been prepared for them. It was surprisingly good considering the lack of spices. After a while of silent eating, they began to talk.

"Do you still remember how we met?" asked Amber, laughing. James groaned.

"No matter how old I get, I'll never forget that day." he sighed. Andrew lowered his voice to an almost melodious (seductive could have worked for anyone else in this situation, but he was such a goober that seductive would be a stupid description) tone, and began to tell the story of that day, much to the chagrin of James:

"Once upon a time, there was a small, ugly child named James."

"Andrew? Go suck a-"

"This weird child moved from somewhere in Missouri to the coolest town in the history of towns: Arlington, Tennessee. This strange town had some pretty strange residents, except for one. Even when he was little, this child was handsome, funny, and charming. He had a weird sister who never talked and had the coolest last name to date: Blackwood."

"Hey, Townsend isn't all that bad!" complained James.

"James Townsend is only okay, James. Sorry. Anyways, where was I?" asked Andrew.

"You were at the part where you were acting like a total tool." said James caustically.

"Ah, that part. Thanks James; thanks a lot. Anyways, this cool kid who happened to be named Andrew was...a bit of a prankster, one might say. He loved to play pranks on people, but sometimes...sometimes they didn't like it."

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