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Izuku stared in horror as the boy in front of him slammed into the lamppost. He didn’t mean it… He didn’t mean for any of it to happen, but he couldn’t leave Kacchan alone when all he did was try to protect him.

Gazing at the boy bleeding profusely, Izuku did the only reasonable course of action a four year old would do. He screamed as he fled the scene. Tears smeared his face as he ran. Kacchan was there, right behind him, equally as agitated as he was. Izuku grabbed his arm for reassurance.

The two boys stopped only once they reached their secret hideout in the forest. Izuku gasped to catch his breath before collapsing on the ground. He leaned against the cave’s walls for support. Kacchan settled down next to him. His breath was shallow.

Izuku closed his eyes, but he still couldn’t unsee Tsubasa’s bleeding body. He pictured his mother’s disappointed look. What would she say? Would he even be allowed back home? Would they accept him?
His eyes fixated on his best friend. He looked… different. His usual silky brown hair was now spiky and blond. His warm hazel eyes were bloody, and it seemed as if a single gaze of his would kill you.

A hand settled on Izuku’s shoulder. Izuku knew that Katsuki meant to reassure him, that everything would turn out just fine, but his shaky hand blew his courageous demeanor.
It was all his fault. Izuku was the one who got Kacchan involved in the first place. If only he wasn’t this weak. If only he wasn’t such a crybaby. Maybe then… Maybe then he wouldn’t have become a villain.

He cried as he fell to sleep. He couldn’t get the incident out of his head. It was supposed to be a normal day, but it was all ruined when Tsubasa started insulting Izuku for being such a weak minded person. The insults hurled at him were what infuriated his best friend. These strong emotions caused his friend to explode Tsubasa. Thankfully the explosions were weak and the boy was not that injured, but the scenario was witnessed by all of the children present in the park.

The children started hurling stones at Kacchan for being a freak. Izuku could sense the panic in Kacchan’s eyes. It was his fault that Kacchan was in this situation. If only he wasn’t such a loser… If only…

Something stirred inside of him, and the next thing he knew, all the children were knocked out in the park and Tsubasa… Gosh! Tsubasa was sent flying by the impact of the force created by Izuku. The boy crashed against the lamppost and slumped to the ground.
Izuku woke up gasping for air. He looked beside him and saw Kacchan snoring. Kacchan still had his weird appearance, with meant that all that wasn’t a dream.

Izuku stood up straight and brushed off some dust off his clothes. He walked outside the hideout towards the nearby lake. He was pretty thirsty so he proceeded to scoop some water out of the lake, but paused before his hands reached the water.

He stared at his reflection. His appearance looked foreign. What was once a black haired blue eyed child was now a greenette with sparkling emerald eyes. His looks were somewhat similar to a broccoli.
Izuku gazed at his reflection with saddened eyes. Any resemblance to his parents was long gone, but perhaps it was for the best. There was no way anyone would take in a kid with weird freaky powers that can run amok any time. He no longer had a place to belong. Neither him, nor Kacchan. And he knew that Kacchan understood that very well.

“Izuku…” a voice called from behind.
Izuku turned around to see Katsuki groggily rubbing his eyes.
“Did I wake you up?” Izuku asked softly.
“Yeah…” Katsuki responded.

“I was afraid that you left when I didn’t see you beside me.”
A wave of silence washed over. Izuku stared at the sparkling water that reflected the moonlight. The boy broke the silence with an apology.
“I’m sorry… that I got you involved in this.”

The boy in question sighed and slumped down next to Izuku.
“It’s fine.”
“You’re not mad?”
“Why should I be? You’re the one who got angry for me. Who knows what would have happened had you not stepped in.”
“But… Because of me… You have become a bad guy because of me. We hurt a lot of people.”
“And they hurt us back too. That makes us even.”
Izuku paused.

“You think we can ever go back?” he asked despite knowing the answer. Kacchan’s response was instantaneous.
“Nope,” the boy said.
The moonlight illuminated the boy’s pale face. “But… I think this is one of the best outcomes we’ve had out of all the situations that could have happened.”

“Best? I think it would have been better had we never awakened these weird abilities in the first place.”
“No. I mean, yes. I mean… Think about it. In Sonic the Hedgehog, the main character was hunted down by the mad scientist because he was different. The mad scientist wanted to experiment on him. The worst outcome for him would have been getting caught.”
“I see… But does this mean we have to run away? From everyone?”

Although he did his best to conceal it, the sadness in his eyes was evident. Izuku stared at the ground in guilt. Things were never going to be the same, and they both knew it very well.

Katsuki clapped his hands to grasp Izuku’s attention.
“Anyways, what’s done is done. There is no point in dwelling on the past-”
Katsuki gave Izuku a small encouraging smile.
“Y-Yeah,” Izuku agreed meekly.
“-which is exactly why we should start planning on our next course of action.”

Izuku nodded in agreement. Immediately his thoughts started racing at the speed of 300 miles per hour. He grabbed a nearby branch and started scribbling on the damp soil.

“For survival, our main priorities include food, water, shelter and clothing,” he started.

“The first three are already covered. This place has a large variety of edible plants, and we can lay traps for capturing small animals. The water in this lake is drinkable, so we need not worry about quenching our thirst. As for shelter, I believe that our hideout is cozy enough to be our house. Moreover, the location is pretty strategic in my opinion. The trees cover the cave properly and you would have to know where to look in order to find it. Since the cave is located in the area of the forest that literally everyone leaves untouched, we wouldn’t have to worry about getting spotted. A perfect place for hiding from the government, don’t you think?”

“The only problem is clothing. We will grow on a regular basis so our clothes will eventually be too small for us to wear. We don’t have any money, and I don’t want to steal from anyone.”
The two boys scrunched their eyebrows as they brainstormed for a solution.
“What about donations?” asked Katsuki.

“The old hag told me that some people donate their belongings to people who are in need of it. Since we are in need of clothes, it wouldn’t be considered stealing if we take them from the donation box.”

“That makes sense.”
“Then it’s settled. We’ve got food, water, shelter and clothing. Now we just have to focus on surviving.”
For the first time that day, Izuku smiled.
“Let’s do our best, Kacchan!”
“Yeah… Izuku.”

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