Chapter 3

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Mina could sense the curious glances of the passersby as she walked across the street. But that couldn’t be helped, after all she was wearing a mascot suit. She was supposed to garner the attention of people. It was not like Mina liked all the attention, but she had no other choice. This was the only plausible reason she could give for covering her face in a public place.
Mina stopped in front of the deserted bus station. She considered taking the bus back home… she had enough money to get the ticket, but reminded herself that her parents probably wouldn’t accept her anymore. She looked like a freak… an alien. That was the sole reason she had run away from home. This was her life now.
She turned away from the station, but stumbled as she proceeded to move. She leaned against a nearby bench for support. Her vision blurred and she passed out.

Mina woke up and felt a sharp pain in her head. She looked around and saw two children, a boy and a girl staring at her with keen eyes.
“Yay! She’s awake,” the girl with auburn hair cheered.

“That’s a relief. It was really nerve-racking hiding her from everyone,” said the green haired boy.
‘Hiding? What do they mean?’ thought Ashido. ‘Wait…’

Ashido stood up straight and glanced down at her attire. She was no longer wearing her suit. Then that means…
“Y-You-” before she could finish, the greenette interrupted her.

“Calm down!” the boy said. “If it’s about your… uh… special features, then there’s no need to worry. Nobody saw you other than us.”
Mina sighed in relief before tensing again.

“Now that you’ve seen me like this…” Mina’s voice faltered. What could she even do? Threaten them? She didn’t really like the idea of hurting children her age.

“Don’t worry!” said the brunette. “We won’t tell anyone.”
“How can I trust you?” Mina raised her eyebrow.

“How about we share one of our secrets with you?” stated the broccoli boy.

“Secret?” asked Mina.
The auburn haired girl picked up the mascot headpiece from Mina’s suit and then released it. To Mina’s surprise, the headpiece started floating. The girl touched all her fingers together and the headpiece dropped onto the ground.
“I’ve got an ability too,” the brunette confirmed.

“W-Wha-?” Mina stuttered.
“I’ve got one too, but mine attracts too much attention,” said the broccoli boy.

“What is your ability?”
“I can enhance my strength and speed, but I can’t control the output that much. If I use it, I might end up destroying the entire area with just a single step.”
“I see… Well, I think it’s time for me to leave now.”

Mina proceeded to pick up her mascot suit, but was stopped by the brunette.
“Wait! You’re going to wear that again?” the brunette exclaimed.
“Is there a problem?” asked Mina.
“Yes! A very huge problem! You’ll boil in that suit.”

It seemed that Mina had an extremely confused expression plastered over her face, for the greenette sighed and started explaining.

“We found you passed out on a bench at the bus station. We figured that you might have been dehydrated as you seemed to have been inside the suit for a really long time under the scorching heat. Turns out we were right! After we took off your suit, your complexion seemed a lot better. We also managed to make you drink a little bit of water, but if you wear that again, you might pass out again soon enough. And this time, we won’t be there to help you.”

“But I have a job,” Mina protested, but her words fell on deaf ears.
“I’ll do it for you,” said the brunette.

“It just feels like the right thing to do.”
“Alright… and thanks!”
“You’re welcome.”

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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