Chapter 1

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It had been weeks since Izuku had run away with his best friend. Things were going pretty smoothly,

considering how dire their situation was. The only problem was the fact that they were in desperate need of clothes. They had been wearing the same outfit for ages and their clothes had started stinking.

Izuku and Katsuki decided to head to the city. There was a donation bin somewhere near the big market, but it was pretty far from the forest. The two of them stealthily moved around in town, and finally reached the market by evening. Since it was Monday, the place was pretty deserted. Izuku fixated his eyes on the enormous box in front of him. The words ‘Donate. Clothes and Shoes,’ were written boldly at the top. Sadly, there was a huge lock preventing them from opening the bin.

Katsuki stopped Izuku before he could crush the lock using his ability.
“Don’t break it. It will gain a lot of attention. You go and hide somewhere near. I’ll find another way to open the lock,” he said.

Izuku looked skeptical, but followed Kacchan’s words nonetheless. He stared at Kacchan until he disappeared from his sight.

Izuku made his way to a nearby alleyway and sat down on the floor. He could clearly see the donation bin from his spot all while being well hidden, so he could easily wait for Kacchan to come back without worrying about getting spotted.

Izuku’s gaze drifted around and he noticed dozens of posters plastered on the wall. The words ‘Missing’ were there on top, bold and black, written in full caps. One of the posters held a picture of Izuku’s past self, the one before his appearance had changed. Izuku still had his chubby and freckled face. The largest difference was his change in hair and eye colour, which were now both green. But the picture in the poster was black and white, so if a person were to look at Izuku right now, they would recognize him as the child from the poster.

The poster stated that the cops must immediately be called if the child was found. There was a similar poster for Kacchan, but Izuku doubted that people would manage to recognize him with his current appearance. His hair was now spiky, and his gaze was really sharp. He looked like a completely different person.

Izuku looked at the other posters. They were all children his age. Something struck Izuku’s mind. What if these kids, too, had weird abilities like him and Kacchan? Maybe they ran away for the same reason!
Izuku shook his head. These were all baseless conclusions. Maybe these kids were kidnapped by someone; after all, crime was pretty common these days. You could earn a pretty penny by abducting some rich person’s child. Izuku decided not to dwell on it, but grabbed the posters nonetheless. Although he doubted it, something at the back of his head stated that they might be useful someday.

Izuku’s thoughts were interrupted with a scream. He peeked out of the alleyways to see people running out of a supermarket. Everyone was speaking at the same time; their words were overlapping, but one word was common in all of their statements… “Ghost”

Izuku’s curiosity peaked. He didn’t believe in the supernatural, but there was a slight possibility that there might be others like him out there… People with abilities that defy all logic that exists. Izuku immediately rushed inside the supermarket. Such a big commotion would surely attract other unwanted guests, so he had to act fast. He was sure that the person who caused all this knew that too.

Just as he entered the shop, he saw it… Loads of goods were floating in the air, just like a scene in a horror movie. Izuku grabbed a jar that was suspended in the air. To his surprise, the jar was as light as a feather.

Izuku scrunched his eyebrows. Ghosts don’t have the ability to negate the mass of an object. His suspicion that there might be another person with an ability increased. But then… why did that person create such a big commotion? For what reason did that person find the need to empty the entire supermarket?

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