Chapter 05

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The full moon was shining bright and beautifully in the night sky, only rustles of leaves of the trees, plants and the sounds of crickets in this peaceful night can be heard.

In one certain balcony, there stood two youngsters, The other is an early delinquent and the other one is a 'normal' fourth grader rich kid.

The red haired kid laughed with his soothing voice as If it's the first time he had ever heard such a funny joke.

His laughter came to a halt as he, once again, made eye contact with the other kid who's not fully recovered yet. "Are you serious about that?"

"Do I look like I'm kidding to you!?" Aiko barked, crossing his arms over his chest, looking quite offended.

"Well it does sounds ridiculous. " Karma now said with nonchalance, without a care in the world.

Aiko sent him a glare in irritation and then took a deep sigh to calm himself down, cursing his damn temper.

They both sat on a chair, facing each other and their hair swaying gently because of the cold breeze of the wind.

"I am not kidding." Aiko said sternly once again, glaring at Karma with seriousness evident in his eyes.

Karma calmly put his cheek on his palm.

"So one of your newbie gang's rules is to yield to the one who defeated their leader and that victorious person is going to take the position?" He asked, but before Aiko can say anything, Karma interrupted him.

"And... that victorious person is me, of course." He smirked at Aiko and that made the black haired kid tighten his jaw, a vein showing in his cheek, certainly having the urge to smack him across the face with a nearby expensive flower pot he saw on Karma's balcony.

But he's not wrong though, so Aiko just clicked his tongue and nodded after he took a deep breath.

"What if the person refuses to take the position of that gang leader?" Karma asked, sipping his coffee leisurely.

"No choice but to disband the whole gang, scatter and live a fucking boring life."

Karma blinked twice, 'Boring' is a word he doesn't like at all, not really fond of it.

"...That's very much Unfortunate." 'And fucking Lame.' He thought.

Aiko didn't say anything but stared, or more like glared at him, watching his every move as He put his mug of coffee down on the table between them.

"....Aren't you too young for coffees?" Aiko asked after a few seconds of silence.

"There's no problem with it?" Karma innocently smiled at him.

Aiko just sighed, dismissing the thought of throwing the coffee away and make him drink milk instead.

"About our important topic... I'll lead the gang from now on." Karma said.

Aiko stared at him for a few seconds and nodded,

“I am looking forward to working with you..." He paused as they shake hands, staring at each other's eyes. Expressions unreadable.


Karma flashed him a toothy grin after they both let go of each others' Hands. "Hm, Okay."

"I admit your bro sucks at leading a gang." He added, lazily standing up from his chair.

Aiko got an irk mark at what Karma said, grabbing the empty mug from the table and threw it at the red head's direction, knowing that it won't really harm him.

As expected, His new Leader caught it, effortlessly.

Karma turned around and looked at him, an annoying smirk on his face.

"No chaos for tonight okay? or wanna get your ass kicked again?" He put the mug down and went inside his room.

Aiko followed him, seeing him yawn and laying down on his bed, he took that as a sign that his leader is going to sleep now.

And he have to leave the room, he can't keep his friends worrying in the middle of the night.

"You're such a pain the ass, you know?" Aiko grumbled as he watched Karma cover himself with his blanket as he turned his back on him.

Aiko went towards the door and opened it, hearing a faint "Deal with it then." From the other kid's direction.

He just sent a harmless glare towards his direction and he went out of the room, going back to his friends.

The next morning, Karma opened the door to his 'gang members' guest house, it's basically a huge apartment enough for 10 people to live in just beside his own mansion.

He won't mind if his new friends starts living here though.

'As long as they behave. '

He was greeted by a living room and he started walking towards a certain room and turned the doorknob to open the door, There he saw the sight of three people having a conversation with each other and two individuals who looks like twins are sleeping peacefully on a corner, away from the three.

He crossed his arms as he leaned his shoulder against the door, smirking at them "Good morning Faggots."

The twins seemed to have woken up, now staring silently at his direction like the other three, their hairs are so messed up.

After a minute of Deadpanning. Aiko clicked his tongue."Seriously? We have names."

"Yeah I know, but..."-He pointed his index towards the others just except for Aiko. "...Do I know their names? No."

"That doesn't mean you have to call us by a different name... But we'll introduce ourselves then."The older brother of Aiko said as he patted his younger brother's back.

"I'm Aoki, this is Haruto." He gestures to the other kid beside him.

Karma glanced at this Haruto kid and noticed him acting sulky and gloomy as he keeps drawing circles on the ground.

Aoki sweatdropped. "Don't mind him, he's always like that...I guess it's just his personality, but I promise he's actually a sunshine."

Karma nodded.

"We're..." They heard a voice behind them, they looked at the direction and saw the twins.

Karma stood up straight, he's not leaning against the door anymore.

Looking at the twins, He could tell that both are not much of a talker.

"I'm Takumi and He's Katsuro." The one who looked like the younger twin introduced themselves.

Karma crossed his arms over his chest, a smirk on his face. "Nice finally knowing your names, All of you."

He opened the door once again and gestured for them to follow him, and they all followed him obediently.

They stopped at the kitchen, seeing so many foods prepared by the maids as their eyes widened.

Karma laughed at their reactions, they're clearly hungry.

"Eat lots." He said as they all seated on their own seats.

He was about to leave when one of them stopped him by tugging his sleeve.

He looked at the culprit and saw a boy with blonde and dark blue dyed hair and sky blue eyes looking at him. "Aren't you going to eat too?" Haruto asked, raising a brow.

Karma harshly patted him at his back where it hurts like what he did to Aiko's injured shoulder yesterday, quite accidentally.

Haruto silently groaned in pain. It hurts like hell.

"Nah, I already ate, Thanks for the concern though." Karma said and he said farewell before leaving.

As he went outside,  He got a call from a certain "Sano".

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