Chapter 10

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Haruto walked quietly in the streets with Karma still on his back, the blonde felt exhaustion slowly creeping in as he walked around aimlessly, no destination in mind.

It's also no doubt that he's starting to feel a little bit sleepy and tired.

Looking around, noticing small numbers of people, he thought about asking for directions but people these days aren't really trustworthy. Not really the type of people that would help you out of kindness.

Very few kind people exists now, especially in this kind of place and environment.

The people over here looks shady and malicious, couldn't be trusted. Haruto always never disregard a strong gut feeling and He doesn't want to risk it.

"Haa..." He sighed. He missed home, The home Karma gave them.

Haruto just wants to lay down on his soft warm mattresses, pillows all around him and He definitely wants to sleep for as long as he wants to.

Noticing how dark and just pitch black the alleyways are, his heart beats fast with the nervousness slowly creeping in.

It is very late now, it might be possibly midnight or pass midnight already. Walking outside during late hours in a place you'd consider dangerous is never truly a great idea, especially for kids who are still in elementary.

Haruto could hear and feel his stomach making grumbling noises, an obvious sign that he obviously needs a little bit of food right now, or maybe more. He once again, sighed.

He didn't even had dinner yet, we can say the same thing about our sleeping red head over here.

Looking around once again, It's surprising how many shops, stalls, stores and the likes are still available in this kind of time instead of closing and out of service.

During those moments, only light from the lampshades, the moonlight and vehicles illuminates the way.

Haruto isn't complaining at the fact that plenty of stores are still available tonight, he's quite grateful. Deciding to find foods that might be able to interest him, he went around, looking left and right while avoiding people by keeping a distance of 5 meters away, well as much as possible.

He had always been cautious and smart, fuck supervision, he's sure that Karma doesn't need it too. Karma is one hell of a bitch, his whole family is a mystery as well. Like, what about his parents? Where are they?

Karma never mentioned anything about his parents, He's basically a rich orphan kid at this point.

Observing the surroundings, There's so many old drunken people, rebellious teens and adult ladies wearing such revealing clothes, it made Haruto grimace with a small sweat rolling down his cheek.

He swear, if one of those things goes near him or Karma and try to get them into some kind of a trouble then... God knows what he'll do.

Yes, Haruto finally decided, from now on, he will never ever let go of Karma during night time without a fully charged flip phone.

If Karmas doesn't have any parents, then he will be the mother duck here!

'I wonder if the others are looking for us now.' Haruto wondered. 'Yes of course, the pack is looking for us now for sure.'

He halted in his footsteps when something, or more like someone caught his attention, It was another kid walking out of a convenience store while carrying a plastic bag,

Actually, it is a tall kid with his head shaved and bald from the sides to the back, except for the top of his head, accompanied by a dragon black tattoo at the left side of his head.

For Haruto, he felt envious at the fact that the unsuspecting kid has such tall height at such a young age.

Haruto could tell that the blonde will become much more taller in the future and sadly, he will never ever surpass the other kid's height.

Thinking about it, made him sulk a bit.

But putting that aside for now, Draken felt someone looking at him that's why he turned his head towards their direction with a raised eyebrow and those black eyes slightly widened in slight shock for a few seconds while looking at both Haruto and Karma.

Can you blame him though? The kid never saw other kids roaming around at night in this kind of place unless they're adopted by people living here too.

But then again, in his years of living, he never saw them around, not even once.

His caring nature kicks in unconsciously, He approached them but stopped midway when he noticed the boy with blonde and dark blue hair glared at him in wary, somehow putting on a defensive front with a red haired boy right on his back.

Draken glared back. "What are you two doing in this kind of place?" He asked calmly.

Haruto's frown worsened.  "I could ask the same thing."

"...I live nearby." He gave an answer.

"Hm. What are you doing outside then? Don't you know it's dangerous?" Haruto asked the taller kid.

"I could ask the same thing."

Haruto's eye twitched in irritation. Glare intensifying along with the other kid as if they're both in the middle of a battle right now, although the other completely has the right to ask.

Almost, we could see an imaginary spark between them.

Haruto was about to open his mouth when he felt the kid on his back move, assuming that he's waking up, he asked, "Karma, are you awake?"

Karma slowly opened his sharp eyes and hummed, he muttered in a sleepy voice. "I am hungry."

'Same u Sonova bitcj.' Haruto wanted to say those words outloud, but decided against it. Instead, He went back to glaring at the other blonde.


After a few moment of pointlessly glaring at each other, The taller kid sighed, his glare gone and replaced by a bored & neutral gaze. He had enough of playing "Glares".

"I bet you guys are lost and hungry," He stated as he put his other hand in his jacket's pocket. "Come on, Follow me if you don't want to get in serious trouble. " He said as he glanced around briefly. The trouble is right there; some of the people in the surroundings that were already looking at them with unknown expressions.

Haruto's glare stayed on his face and he was about to speak when-

"Ken Ryuguji?" Karma asked with a mischievous glint in his eyes, saying the name loud and clear.

Earlier, the new voice made him lift his head from leaning against Haruto's shoulder.

The appearance of the kid in front made him wonder If it's really the new friend of Mikey who told him about, The appearance, voice, and personality descriptions and all.

That's why he uttered the name out of his mouth to clarify if it's Mikey's buddy or not.

"How in the world do you know my name?" Draken asked, bewildered.

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