Chapter 15

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Wakasa and Shinichiro was seen sitting on the same wooden bench, both clearly not doing anything productive as of right now.

Just spending the time together in silence. They are both bored out of their minds while waiting for Benkei, Takeomi and the kids, just what are they doing anyways? They're all late...

Perhaps, that certain red haired brat had caused some trouble again, making them all late.

While Wakasa was only doodling random things on the dirt ground with a long stray branch he just picked up from somewhere while sitting, Shinichiro sat straight from leaning back against the bench and he dug his hand into his pocket, pulling out a cigarette and a lighter.

He lit the cigarette and put the end of it on his mouth as he put his lighter and cigarette box back in his pocket.

Shinichiro didn't miss the way Wakasa glanced at him when he pulled out his cigarette, He looked at the other male's direction only to make direct eye contact.

"What?" Shinichiro asked in slight confusion after he blew out smoke from his mouth.

Wakasa stared at him in silence, painful silence, before finally speaking with a monotone voice.

"Stop smoking, your lungs are dying. Go suck on a lollipop instead, it will help remove the urge to smoke." He told him calmly and Shinichiro didn't react, not even a blink or a twitch of his brow as he was just sitting there leisurely, as if he never has troubles.

Blankly staring at his dear friend, not speaking and that made Wakasa frown, he cannot read Shinichiro's expression right now.

Wakasa did not see it coming, Suddenly, Shinichiro blew out smoke right onto Wakasa's face with such a blank face, catching the poor man off guard.

The white smoke was too thick to the point Wakasa couldn't even see for a moment and that made him wave his hands around like crazy while coughing.

Clearly, Shinichiro took that as an opportunity to swiftly sprint away from the coughing guy, while cackling like a madman, he had also almost started choking because of the smoke he just blew out from his mouth.

Not long after, Wakasa jumped from the bench after shortly recovering and he quickly chased after the running figure of Shinichiro.

Actually, it didn't take him that long to catch up with the man. Wakasa grabbed the back of his friend's shirt's collar and that made the black haired male trip, yelping in surprise.

Wakasa gazed down, fiercely glaring at the sweatdropping Shinichiro.

"Don't, I mean never EVER do that again, got it?" Wakasa spoke coldly with threatening eyes and Shinichiro just let out an awkward chuckle as he stood up from the dirty ground, nodding as he removed the dust from his clothes.

"I'll try stopping myself from smoking, no promises though." He told Wakasa as the atmosphere turned calm and chill once again.

Wakasa clicked his tongue, ruffling Shinichiro's head harshly with his right hand after rolling his eyes in annoyance.

The action made the black haired male gasp as if offended. As a revenge, Shinichiro also ruffled his white haired friend's head just as harsh.

Now both guys have extremely messy hairs, resembling complicated bird nests. They stared at each other's appearance for a few seconds before shaking their heads in amusement.

"Did you bring a haircomb with you?" Shinichiro asked as he started fixing his hair with only his fingers.

Wakasa was about to open his mouth to say "No." but sounds of amused laughter caught both of their attentions, causing them to look at where the sound came from, which is actually right behind them.

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