Chapter 14

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Never did Ken Ryuguji imagine that such a person can stand on their own two feet without being conscious.

Oh come on, give him some peace, it's still early in the morning!-

Earlier, Draken woke up due to the small sounds of rustling and moving from somewhere near with blankets and mattress.

Somehow, Draken immediately knew, it's that red haired bastard again. How? Well it's just a random guess.

And he got it right.

He wondered if maybe that kid has already woken up or maybe He's that type of person who move around a lot during their sleep.

Draken sighed, Why not figure it out by himself instead?

And so, he removed the covers off of himself and he calmly sat up with a frown on his face, still on his futon as he turned his head towards the direction of his precious bed to take a look.

Lo and behold! There he is, The same red haired kid, but the thing that he's currently doing is not a normal thing for the taller kid in the room.

It is utterly Horrifying.

Draken wanted to let out a blood-curling scream but that would be too unmanly so he just forced himself to not to breath so the scream won't escape, that resulted in him sounding like he yelped instead.

He held his breath as he watched Karma who's silently standing still ontop of the bed, looking eerily creepy, so utterly scary.

The boy is quietly facing Draken's direction, but the thing that's worrying Draken the most is the very sharp dagger held by Karma with his arm in the air, as if attempting to throw it somewhere. Mostly likely towards him!

And where the fuck did he get that dagger!?

There's no time to wonder about that now. Oh god, He's so Terrifying.

There's no light in the room except for the small light coming from a small window, that's why draken can see him, although barely.

Drake let out a shriek when the same dagger came flying towards his direction, the dagger only managed to graze his cheek, making a tiny bit of blood roll down until it stopped right at his jaw.

The weapon hit the floor behind him with a slight sound of "clang" because the dagger is completely made of metal.

Hearing the shriek from beside Haruto, he perked up with a low sleepy hum.

He lifted his head from his pillow to take a look at where did the sudden sound came from and saw an unclear dark figure of Draken, sitting frozen in his own futon while letting out frantic pants, trying calming himself.

If Draken was that unlucky, then he would have been dead, with a dagger stuck to his skull.

Haruto's eyes automatically narrowed because of the dark and he rubbed his eyes, asking himself if this is just another dream but it's not and so he asked. "What's wrong with you?"

He didn't even get one single response from the other blonde and his eyebrows furrowed together.

Haruto also sat up and he stared at Draken, Haruto can't see his face but he caught the sound of something like a liquid being dropped onto the floor from Draken's face.

Haruto became confused, 'Is this dude seriously crying? If he is then...what made him cry? Don't tell me it's nightmares? '

But his thoughts immediately went into the trash can when the said 'crying' tall kid finally spoke.

"What the fuck's wrong with L/n!?-" He said with a slightly trembling and puzzled voice.

It took Haruto a whole minute to process that Draken's really not crying at all and he blinked in confusion, he turned around and looked at the bed and He saw the unexpected.

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