Madam: I have a hallowed tooth that suffer me grately.
Sir: Sly down in that legchair Madam and open your gorble wide - your mouse is all but toothless.
Madam: Alad ! I have but eight tooth remaining (eight tooth left).
Sir: Then you have lost eighty three.
Madam: Impossyble.
Sir: Everydobby knows there are foor decisives two canyons and ten grundies, which make thirsty two in all.
Madam: But I have done everything to save my tooth.
Sir: Perhumps ! but to no avague.
Madam: Ah ! why did I not insult you sooner ?
Sir: To late, it must be now or neville.
Madam: You will pull it out for me then ?
Sir: No, madman, I will excrete it.
Madam: But that is very painfull.
Sir: Let me see it - Crack ! there it be madarce.
Madam: But sir I wished to keep (was anxious to keep) that tooth.
Sir: It was all black and moody, and the others are too.
Madam: Mercy - I will have none to eat with soon.
Sir: A free Nasty Heath set is good, and you will look thirty years jungle.
Madam: (Aside) Thirty years jungle ; (Aloud) Sir I am no catholic, pull out all my stumps.
Sir: O.K. Gummy.
JOHN LENNON In His Own Write
Short Story'this correction of short writty is the most wonderfoul larf I've ever ready' ABOUT THE AWFUL ---------- I was bored on the 9th of octover 1940 when, I believe, the nasties were still booming us led by Madalf Heatlump (who only had one). Any...