I'm a moldy moldy man
I'm moldy thru and thru
I'm a moldy moldy man
You would not think it true.
I'm moldy till my eyeballs
I'm moldy til my toe
I will not dance I shyballs
I'm such a humble Joe.
JOHN LENNON In His Own Write
Cerita Pendek'this correction of short writty is the most wonderfoul larf I've ever ready' ABOUT THE AWFUL ---------- I was bored on the 9th of octover 1940 when, I believe, the nasties were still booming us led by Madalf Heatlump (who only had one). Any...
The Moldy Moldy Man
I'm a moldy moldy man
I'm moldy thru and thru
I'm a moldy moldy man
You would not think it true.
I'm moldy till my eyeballs
I'm moldy til my toe
I will not dance I shyballs
I'm such a humble Joe.