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Spending their lives together was a dream. A marvellous dream that they had thought of and lived for some time. A dream that filled all their hearts' desires and made them whole. However, this was just a dream and dreams are not real; dreams do not last. Deep down, both of them knew this but they resisted the reality of it, making it all the more harder to let go.

Brimsley and Reynolds had lived in this dream for months, even years, enough to get more than a taste of what could be forever. Basked in the gentle rhythm of their intertwined lives. From the first glimmer of dawn to the soft embrace of dusk, their days unfolded in harmony, painting a portrait of love, companionship, and shared purpose.

Amidst the opulent halls and majestic corridors of the palace, they moved as one, their presence a comforting anchor amidst the flurry of courtly affairs. Their unwavering support for the king and queen was mirrored in their unwavering support for each other, a silent understanding that whispered words of encouragement and strength.

In the blooming embrace of the palace gardens, they found respite from the demands of their duties. They revealed in the ever-changing seasons, marvelling at the vibrant hues of spring blooms, the dappled sunlight filtering through the summer leaves, the crisp autumn air painting the foliage in a tapestry of gold and red, and the serene beauty of snow-kissed landscapes in winter.

And when night descended upon the palace, their hearts found solace in the proximity of their bedrooms. The intimacy they shared was made all the sweeter by the knowledge that they were just a breath away from each other. Their nights were a sanctuary of love, whispered confessions, and dreams woven together under the gentle glow and safety of moonlight.

Months turned into years but the dream they had woven remained vibrant and steadfast. Their love continued to blossom, deepening with each passing day, transcending the boundaries of time. Together, they carved a path of happiness, their hearts forever entwined.

However, of course, this dream did not last and Brimsley's world turned sombre and desolate. The once vibrant palace now stood as a hollow reminder of the joyous moments they had once shared. The absence of the king and queen's laughter echoing through the halls was replaced by quietness and sadness.

The King's mental state had taken a turn about twenty years after their marriage. Every glass or ceramic vase King George could touch, he broke. He tore drapes off their poles and ripped all his pillows open leaving a feathery mess, screaming at the top of his lungs at any hour of the day or night.

Queen Charlotte, burdened with the weight of her husband's illness, struggled to find solace in her love alone. The once unbreakable bond that had sustained them through countless trials seemed powerless against the ravages of the king's deteriorating state. Despite her unwavering devotion, she found herself powerless to restore him to the man he once was.

The king's relocation to the countryside became a necessary but heartbreaking decision, tearing him away from the palace and the embrace of his beloved queen. In this cruel twist of fate, Reynolds and Brimsley were separated as well, condemned to live out their remaining years apart.

On that winter morning, as the first rays of dawn struggled to penetrate the grey sky, Brimsley and Reynolds clung to each other, their hands entwined in a desperate grasp. Tears streamed down Brimsley's face, his heart heavy with the weight of impending loss. Reynolds, his own eyes glistening with unshed tears, held back his emotions, fearing that giving in would only amplify the pain.

Time was fleeting, and the minutes slipped away like grains of sand through an hourglass. In those precious moments, they exchanged their final goodbyes in hushed whispers, their words etching themselves into their hearts.

Fifty-two years of service with Queen Charlotte and it was an understatement to say that Brimsley knew her well. Brimsley knew Queen Charlotte better than the back of his hand. In fact, he knew her better than he knew himself.

As the years rolled on, occasional news of the king's presence in London reached Brimsley but King George and Reynolds remained hidden from sight. Brimsley longed to catch a glimpse of Reynolds but he was never able to see him as they had not ever come to visit the palace.

In their shared solitude, Queen Charlotte and Brimsley found a common ground burdened with their own shared loneliness. They sought to find glimpses of happiness even in the most fleeting moments.

As the years wore on, Brimsley's heart simmered with anger and resentment, his once passionate love now tainted by bitterness and frustration. He could not reconcile with the cruel hand fate had dealt them, and he directed his anger towards the world itself, unable to cope. In his solitude, Brimsley cursed the heavens, his voice filled with anguish as he railed against the injustice of their separation. He questioned the purpose of a world that could allow such heartache to befall them, his anger fueling the flames of his despair.

It was a Tuesday evening, a regular Tuesday evening. The queen was walking to her dining room, excited to feast on the meal that awaited her. Brimsley behind her, always five steps behind her for the past fifty-two years.

Gold spring sunlight painted the hallways gold as it always did this time of year when the garden bloomed and the bees hummed. The chandeliers overhead sparkled and reflected, creating colours of more than gold but of all. Dancing across the walls were colours of red, yellow, green, blue, and purple. Magic had always resided in the palace and this was only proof of such.

He walked behind her Majesty, set on her destination. However, Brimley's eyes were wandering to the etherealness of the hallway. The beautifulness and magic that made him seem like he was dreaming. And there, his eyes caught on a man in a blue tailored waistcoat. His hair caught the golden rays and radiated them threw the room.

It seemed as though time stopped. Locking eyes with the man, his ocean blue eyes distinct and recognizable. His heart pounding through his whole body making his fingers tremble.

One look at this man and Brimsley felt as though he was young again. No more wrinkles and no more pain in his lower back. But most of all, no more sadness.

Days of love and happiness that were just at arm's length. Days where he stood under apple trees and got lost in the eyes of his love. Days where he could venture to the other side of the palace to meet with him. Days where he felt free and loved. The nights when he could explore his boundless love. Nights where he was safe and sheltered in protecting arms. Nights under the moonlight where could intertwine his fingers in his and touch him, electricity coursing through their bodies. Nights he dreamed that he could return to.

These times in the past he could not come back to. The times when he did not know loneliness which he wished he had not known. He missed when they could love even in secret. He would have given everything he could to go back to the past, to the dream he was taken out of.

Even in this slight moment, he was fulfilled. A feeling he had not felt in more than thirty years. Although the moment was short, this serves as closure for the both of them.

Resting his eyes on the man who had loved him through thick and thin and who had given his life purpose. He who had cared for Brimsley as no one had.

Brimsley had loved this man more than he thought was possible. He had longed for this man since the day they were torn apart. He needed this man like he needed him.

In this slight moment, they were united. Even if it was the last time in their isolated lives, they could feel the love. The both of them realised for the first time what their love had meant. Thankful for the love they had shared and not, for once, cruising the world for their separation. Grateful for one another and the memories they treasured.

There they were, not strangers, but lovers, something that time could never change. There they were, Brimsley and Reynolds, eyes filled with age but undying love.

With a smile and eyes sharing the same emotions, the moment was left but not the bond. Walking in the same hallways they had once been through together and together for the last time, grateful for the past.

A/N: and that's it! hope you liked it! i really enjoyed writing this :)

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