Good To Have You Back

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A Terminian and the Twilight of Danger
Chapter 4: Good to Have You Back

Link was again in the field, the giant tree in the distance. The scenery always reminded him of the inside of the moon, a place he had only been in for a short while, but its image was ingrained into his mind. This time, it was different. He was standing before a mirror image of himself.

"It's time to wake up, Link," His reflection said, words slurred and oddly paced.

"Time to rise and shine." The mirror version of Link said. It was like he was just learning how to talk.

"Not that I'm implying you haven't... earned... your rest. You just have been away for... so long." He said, as Link stood across from him, baffled. "It seems that your hour has- come again."

"Wh-What?" Link replied, confused. He was aware that all this wasn't real, but the feeling, however. The shiver creeping down his spine was very real.

"But, my friend, I... implore you. Take care in how you act when you return. Things are quite- different now." Link's doppelganger said, a devilish smirk growing across his face before everything faded to white.


Link woke up with a start. It was still dark out, but the clock on his wall told him it was morning. Link's eyes darted around the room, making sure everything was as it should be. Those bizarre dreams had been non-stop ever since Navi returned, but he didn't think it was her fault.

Link felt the sweat rolling down his bare chest, so he got out of bed to escape from the heat. Stretching his arms upwards, he turned his eyes to where they often laid now. Right on the sword and shield, still sitting on the floor against the wall. He couldn't help but stare at them, the face of the mirror shield always making him get lost in his own thoughts.

Then, Link made a bold decision. It was time to pick them up. Walking over and kneeling before the items he loathed, his hands first went to the mirror shield. He held it by the wooden lining, letting the face gleam in the moonlight. It was a little nice to see it again.

Link hadn't put on his green tunic yet. Anju had adjusted it to now fit himself, but he refused to put it on. At least not yet.

Strapping the shield to his back, the only other item on the floor was the one he despised the most, regardless of how beautiful it was when swung about. The Gilded Sword.

Link's arm fought against his mind. As he reached for the hilt of the sword, all his instincts were on high alert. He didn't want to pick it up, but he had a responsibility to adhere to. After long minute of fighting with himself, he overcame his own strength.

The hilt of the sword was cold. The dust layering it was thick, and when Link retracted his arm, he exhaled. The musty scent had been scattered everywhere, making the teen cough a bit and wave his other hand to get the cloud to dissipate.

When he could see again, he was met with glimmering light. The moon had illuminated the blade, letting the golden sheen shine. His arm quivered and he stood up, sword in hand. He cast a shadow on the floor as he held up Gilded Sword once again. A part of him had returned.

Link swung the sword, then again, and again. All the training he had, both self-taught, and from the swordsman teacher, came back in an instant. He took care in not slicing apart anything in his room. With that, he sheathed his sword, sighed, and looked around.

Peering at the bookcase, he walked over to it. The sound of his sword and shield clanking slightly on his back made him flinch, but he regained composure and continued to the shelf. Taking a book, he sat down on his bed and began reading. He knew he wouldn't get any more sleep.

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