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This chapter is quite personal to me, as something similar happened to me a few weeks before. I had this idea in mind before that, but it was just eerie how something so much like it happened. Anyways, enjoy!

A Terminian and the Twilight of Danger
Chapter 14: Unsure

"NO!" A scream rang out. "NO, NO, NOO!"

"What can't he ever just DIE?!" The figure picked up her crystal ball and smashed it. Taking out their wand, a blast of energy hit the wall, blowing more pieces away. They struck the wall again and again, making the room crumble.

"Of course, it fails. Who could've seen that coming?" The other said sarcastically, crossing their arms, rolling their eyes, the usual routine.

"SILENCE!" The angry one turned their wand and shot it point blank at the other, sending the snarky one flying across the room.

"What the hell was that for?!" The hurt one bellowed, flying up and firing their own magic back at the other.

"Stop mocking me!"

"It's hardly my fault you're foolish!"

Both figures approached and fused together, becoming their more powerful form. The union was hardly as coordinated as it could be, legs unbalanced and voices far too distinct to spout a coherent sentence.

"Unbelievable!" The tall figure screamed, before splitting in half and becoming the two smaller ones once again.

"GRAAAH!" Both yelled, starting to roll around in the dust, getting into a tussle.

They exchanged repeated punches, rage flowing through every strike. After a while of being evenly matched, they collapsed in exhaustion. All that could be heard were synchronized pants, proving just how much they were similar to each other.

"We need..." The rightmost one began. "...to get him... someplace where it... will hurt!"

"And what would that be?" The left one snapped, sitting up.

"I'm not sure, alright?! Let's put our heads together and think!" The left groaned in response and then stood. Taking each other's hands, they fused again, and sat down.

Keeping their fist to their chin, what felt like an eternity passed as they thought. Dozens of ideas were proposed and dismissed, until something clicked. A wide, impossible smirk grew along the fusion's face, and they began laughing.

"We'll need to go on a little trip..."


Link limped down the street, Jim and Skull Kid helping him make it past all the chunks of stone that were scattered about town. The fire that destroyed the Happy Mask Shop had thankfully been put out by the time they returned from the Temple of Time.

"Hey! Grasshopper! Jim! Skull Kid!" A voice came from the distance, on the other side of the wrecked fountain. The three boys knew who it was.

"What's up?" Jim waved back.

"Romani is going to help with the clean up! You guys want to join?" Romani hollered as a guard raced past her, carrying some wooden planks.

"Yeah! We just need to get Link home!" Jim said, moving his head forward to show Romani her injured boyfriend. It wasn't that bad, but one look at him told her that he would need some time to heal.

"Alright!" Romani turned away to continue helping others get their bearings, and the boys continued.

Opening the front door, Jim and Skull Kid got all of Link's gear off and set him on the couch to rest.

A Terminian and the Twilight of Danger (MM/OoT Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now