In Case You Say 'No'

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Heyo, this here is a chapter I'm not the most proud of. For context, I had a HUGE moment of writers' block when writing this one, and I kinda rushed it. Regardless, please enjoy!

A Terminian and the Twilight of Danger
Chapter 9: In Case You Say 'No'

"Home." Romani said out loud.

The outer wall of Clock Town had finally come into view as the group exited the Swamp. The first week in Hyrule had been... intense, to say the least. Her mind was exhausted from everything that made itself apparent. All the town guard wanted was some rest, as did the rest of the Terminians in the carriage.

Link unknowingly refused to look at anything besides Clock Town. He had missed it so much. He felt relieved to finally see it again.

Epona stopped by the south gate, and everyone funneled out of the carriage. They all exchanged smiles and heading into Clock Town together. Walking under the arch, the scene was just as they remembered. A relatively busy town, some chatter here and there, and the tower, always reminding them of the time.

"Alright, I got to get home! Mom is going to be so happy to see me again!" Jim exclaimed, breaking out into a run. Link, Romani, and Skull Kid waved him goodbye as he vanished from sight.

Link, holding Epona's reigns, broke off from the group as they neared the Stock Pot Inn, going to North Clock Town to let Epona be in her little stable as she was before. As he walked, he didn't even notice the rightmost window of the Major's office, open. There, Captain Viscen caught a glimpse of the teen, and the paper he had in his hand fell to the floor.

Link left Viscen's view, and the man was left in shock. The sword and shield were once again on his back after all this time. For a moment he sat, mouth agape, until he grabbed a sheet of paper and started scribbling something down.

"There you go, back home." Link said soothingly as he made sure Epona was in her stable. He rubbed his horse's cheek and bid her farewell for now, eager to get back home. Back to the safety of his room.

Opening the front door, he let out a big yawn and looked at every little thing in the lobby of the Inn. The desk, the seat, the masks on the wall, and the cow bobble-head on the shelf. Anju and Kafei were already unpacking their things and placing them in easy to reach places. They would only be returning for the weekend after all.

"Hello inn. Hello stairs. Hello room." Anju and Kafei could hear the faint greetings Link gave to everything he came across before finally getting back to his room. The couple just gave each other looks and giggled at how the more carefree Link had finally made himself known, now that he was home.

The teen flopped down onto his bed and quickly got comfortable. He missed the feeling of the sheets, the light smell of the soap that still lingered since their last wash. Placing his head on top of a pillow, he relaxed as the cold surface put him at ease. He got his gear off and let it fall to the floor by the fireplace just a moment ago. He didn't want to see them for the rest of the weekend.


Meanwhile, Romani had decided to pay a visit to Dina, and by extension, her captain. She was positive that after a week of not seeing her friend, they'd have a lot to catch up on.

Entering the mayor's office, Romani went straight through the armory and her presence was met with a wide smile from the Gerudo secretary.

"Romani! You're back!" Dina was endlessly pleased. She rose from her chair and gave Romani a strong hug.

"How have things been, Dina?" Romani asked, wrapping her arms around her friend and chuckling.

"Oh, the usual. Not much to report." Dina replied, looking back at her desk.

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