If I Can Dream

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I just want to take a sec to say that... this chapter is my most favorite piece of writing. Ever. I love it so much, and I really hope that all you special people who've read these stories feel the same, at least a bit. These two tales of my favorite game ever have been a part of my life for a while now, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Thank you for reading.

A Terminian and the Twilight of Danger
Epilogue: If I Can Dream

Two and a Half Years Later...

"Her royal highness, ladies and gentlemen, the toast is to the bride and groom! Mr. and Mrs. Link and Romani!" Dina raised her glass high up in the air and Link blushed like mad.

"Mr. and Mrs. Link and Romani!" The crowd repeated.

All the other attendants to the wedding cheered as they held their glasses in the air with Dina. Together, they toasted to the newlyweds, and a light applause could be heard all throughout Clock Town. It brought the greatest smile ever seen to Romani's face, and she leaned in to kiss Link on the cheek. When she saw his reaction, she couldn't resist giggling.

The tender, summer air flowed through Clock Town with ease. It was a surprisingly cool day in Termina, just absolutely lovely. The wedding decorations flapped gently in the breeze, and the bell sitting atop the Stock Pot Inn rang repeatedly in celebration.

Link, dressed in a fine, black tunic with white highlights, looked at the ring along his finger. It was the most amazing thing he'd ever hoped for. Romani, right next to him, extended her hand and rested it next to his, letting them both gaze at their wedding bands.

"Hey! Isn't it cake time?" Jim asked from across the table, a little too eager to dig in.

"Come oooonnnn, Link. Let's cut the cake!" Romani playfully held the knife for their wedding cake, and as soon as Link saw it, he quickly rose from his seat and took the sharp object from his wife. She chuckled a little as he held the knife with a firm grip. Romani knew just what to get her husband out of his silly chair.

Everything seemed perfect. It was a miracle that everyone could make it. Zelda, being the 'royal highness' referred to in the toast, was the most surprising person in the crowd. It wasn't her first time in Termina, as she somehow managed to make the trip last year but seeing her again in Clock Town was fascinating. Seeing all of the guests who came all this way just for Link and Romani's wedding was fascinating.

"Ready?" Link asked Romani, as they both held the knife against the cake. The ranch woman gave the former hero a knowing smile and nodded. As the knife slid through the delicious frosting and into the fluffy center, the attendants cheered.

The cake was passed out, and everyone enjoyed themselves. Conversations commenced and the afternoon went on blissfully.

"Oh Romani!" Cremia waved to Romani in a singsong voice. The ranch woman groaned and angerly rose from her seat.

"What, sister!?" Romani put her hands on her hips and tapped her foot repeatedly. The exaggerated display of annoyance just made the older sister chuckle. She walked up to Romani and put her arm around her.

"Alright, you better promise me some things!" Cremia wagged her finger as she used to when Link and Romani were kids. "First, make sure he treats you good, you hear me?"

"Sister..." Romani whined as she nervously peered back at the guests. A few of them were staring at her. "Not in front of everyone..."

"Oh yeah!" Cremia raised her voice so nearly everyone could hear her. All the eyes were focused on them. "And don't go all cowgirl on Link, got it?"

The color of Romani's cheeks matched her hair. She walked away from Cremia, having been defeated, and sat back next to Link. The crowd erupted in laughter and even Link couldn't hold back his giggles. Romani leaned forward and shielded herself with her arms, wishing that the day would go faster.

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