𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞𓇽

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Its been a couple days since I have spoken to the Pogues. Today I promised that I would bring Diego to the beach. He was supper excited and up & ready to leave at 8 am.

"Papa, we will be back later"

"You know the house isn't fucking clean and.."

I didn't hear the last part because I just shut the door and started walking with Gogo. It was too early to listen to his stupidity. Since it was so early, I was gonna bring him out for breakfast first and then head to the beach. We went to this little café that had some snacks and each grabbed something.

"Ellie, we need to get some beach snacks. You know, like chips, candy, lemonade..."

"Gogo, that all costs money that I don't have and—"

"Please Ellie" he pleaded.


I knew that I needed that money for some food but I'd find another way to pay for it. I couldn't say no to Diego, not after what has been going on with the family lately. We got his chips, his candy and lemonade then headed to the beach. He ran straight in the water, and I set up my towel and laid there.

There's nothing better than lying in the sun on a hot and sunny day, my skin craved the heat. I couldn't do the cold and Outer Banks has been great so far. The people, the weather, even the vibe. It was honestly hard to find something to not like. It felt like living on a full time vacation, but having to go to school.

"Hey there pretty lady"

"Kelce shut up man"


"hey sorry for my friends. I'm Rafe Cameron."

"Um hey, I'm Briella. Briella Martinez"

"Pretty name for the pretty lady. I'm Kelce"

"And I'm Topper."

"Nice to meet you guys"

I had an awkward feeling about this conversation. I could tell these boys were kooks, like JohnB would say, with the way they were dressed. Designer sun glasses and all. I was hopping they would just leave but they were pushing for more. I was trying to calmy tan in the sun.

"So your new here right?"-rafe

"yep. Moved last week from LA"

"nice, I see you like the beach."

"yeah, its beautiful here."

"You should come check out my place sometime, its on the royal avenue. we got a pretty nice beach behind it and a boat i could take you on."

"Um, I think ill pass. Thanks for the offer though"

"Here's my number just incase you change your mind Briella."

They finally walked away and I just dropped the paper with Rafe's number on it in the sand. Did he really think I wanted his number after that conversation. They didn't seem like rude guys or anything, just overly cocky. Not every girl wants your number after one convo with you. I thought my denial of his invitation was a dead give away that his number was not wanted

As I was lying down on my towel, enjoy the heat and the soft sand, the smell of the ocean and the sound of the waves hitting the shore, I felt water hit my face and sat up in a panic. Then I saw Diego hysterically laughing with a bucket in his hand. All this kid did was find ways to disturb my peace, no matter how calm I looked. He found joy in my frustration that he would cause.

"Diego! Why? Just why?"

"Because its funny. Now your all wet"

"haha, so funny." i replied sarcastically drying myself with a towel.

"I know, I'm a comedian"

"I swear Gogo, one day I'm gonna get you back for all these little pranks!"

"No you wont, you cant prank a seven year old its not nice."

"You're right, ill get your friends to prank you instead!

Me and Diego were having some fun. Joking around, playing with the sand, talking about his school and new friends. He was really enjoying it in obx and I was glad. As long as he is happy I'm happy, if he wasn't enjoying it here it would definitely be a problem. For the moment, this new town was alright.

"So when is Mami coming back Briella?"

I was not expecting that, the random question that had no answer just suddenly slipped out of his mouth. I knew that Diego would be waiting for her to get back but I didn't know he would constantly keep asking. I knew she wasn't coming back, but I don't know if Diego can handle hearing that. Mami is his only real parent that actually cares from him, papa doesn't do much. He is a bit nicer with his son, but still doesn't isn't there as much as he should be.

"Diego, I don't know if she is gonna come back. If she does its gonna be in a long time. She had to go on vacation to be happier. Now she is free and she'll have more fun"

"Oh, why  didn't she bring us then?"

"There aren't any kids allowed, so she left us with Papa for a long time."

"Ok, I guess I'll just have to wait for a long time then."

My heart broke. I knew he would actually be waiting. Everyday he would think about her with hope that she would come back, walk through our front door with a souvenir of her vacation. One day I'll have to tell him the truth. That she abandoned us, but today was not that day.

After awhile, Gogo got tired and it was getting darker out. We packed up our things and started our trip back home. It was a fun day, and a much needed break from Papa and time to spend just me and my little brother. We got home and Diego went straight in his room to get ready for bed. Once I got in mine I heard my phone ring.


"Hey there Breezy, how's it going?"

"JJ? How did you get my number?"

"JB gave it to me"

"Ahh ok, well I'm alright how about you."

"I'm great. Especially right now on the phone with you. What did you do today?"

That made me blush. I know it was a bit cringe but it was still cute.

"Me and Diego went to the beach all day."

"Wow and you didn't invite me. We could've went surfing Brie! The waves were perfect today."

"I couldn't I was with Diego, I couldn't just bring him along."

"Why not? He's probably a cool little dude"

That made me smile even more. In LA, no one ever wanted me to bring Diego out. My friends said he would just be annoying. But JJ seemed totally down, and I knew he wasn't lying.

"Yeah but he's shy, he wanted just me and him today."

"That's cool, some other time then."

"Yeah, do you know a Rafe? He came up to me at the beach today with his friends."

"Rafe? Yeah don't talk to him, he is bad news. Like really bad news. He is Sarah's brother and she is afraid of him. Just stay away from him."

"Oh ok, they seemed like funny guys."

"Yeah, probably because they were trying to get you're number. But they're all crazy. Especially Rafe"

"ok ok, I'll take your word and stay away from them then"

We talked a bit more and then I said I had to go. I knew Diego was waiting for me in his bed and he would get mad if I was too late.

"Goodnight Breezy"

"Night JJ"

I put my phone on the charger and walked into Diego's room. He was doing the usual, reading his book waiting for me. I got in his bed and we both went to sleep. Thoughts went through my mind about JJ and if there was actually any possibilities there, but I pushed those away. One thing I learnt in the past week is not to get my hopes up.

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