Final Countdown

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"Hey." Marty said, shaking Alex awake.

"Hey." Alex turned over, and stared at him.

"I hope you know what you're doing." Marty admired her.

"So do I." Alex said.

Marty sat up from the cot, and looked across the room to see Doc's bed was empty. "DOC!" He exclaimed.

Alex stood up, and got dressed. Marty did the same. 

Once Marty put his hat on, Alex went over to him, and knocked it down to cover his eyes.

He pushed it back up, and laughed. "Really?" 

"Of course." Alex smiled.

They took each other's hand, and walked out of the shop into town.

"Good morning Ms. O'Hara, Mr. Eastwood." A man said passing by.

"Morning." Marty replied.

Another man approached them. "Have a cigar Ms. O'Hara. Anything I can do for you today?" 

"Um- no? No I'm good." Alex responded.

"Good luck tomorrow Ms. O'Hara! We'll be praying for ya!" A third man who was riding in a carriage called out.

"Thanks." Alex called back.

"Good morning Ms. O'Hara, Can I interest you in a new dress for tomorrow?" 

"No- I- I'm good, thanks." Alex said, getting uncomfortable.

"Hey, theres Doc." Marty leaned to Alex, pointing at Doc, who was sniffing a flower stuck to his jacket.

Alex and Marty approached Doc, who had been about 50 yards away.

"Granddad, what are you doing?" Alex asked.

"Oh nothing." Doc stopped sniffing the flower. "Just out enjoying the morning air. It's really lovely here in the morning, don't you think?"

"Yeah." Alex said.

"Doc we have to load the DeLorean and get ready to roll alright." Marty said.

Alex looked around the square, and saw a man making tombstones. Right in the front, there was a freshly carved stone, looking almost identical to the one from the photo.

"Oh my god." Alex said.

"Alex, let me see that photo again?" Doc asked.

Alex handed him the photograph, and Doc stared at it. He sighed. "My name, it's vanished!" 

"Hey, thats great Doc! Don't you get it- we're going back to the future tomorrow, so everything's been erased!" Marty exclaimed.

"But only my name is erased. The tombstone itself, and the date still remain. That doesn't make sense. We know that this photograph represents what will happen if the events of today continue to run their course into tomorrow." Doc explained.

"Right, and so?" Marty asked.

The man asking about the dress came back, and started measuring Alex with a tape measure. "I just need your measurement."

"I don't want a dress." Alex said.

The man laughed. "No, this is for your coffin." 

"Coffin!" Alex fell back, stunned. Marty caught her.

"Well, the odds are running two to one against you." He puled the measuring tape back to its original position and made a choking motion with his hand against his own throat. "Might as well be prepared." He left.

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