The Beast

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Multiple people fall off of buildings


Long ago, the Ebott kingdom was known for many things: Being the largest kingdom in the land, being the only remaining kingdom that was monster-free, starting the monster vs humans war, and of course, there were other less important things. But now, the Ebott kingdom was known for one thing, its beast, and also the war it started but that wasn't important now.

You see, around year two hundred forty-six of Dreams coma, there was an incident. At the time, Ebott had been rather traditional, whereas the rest of the world had begun to embrace the monsters that had sailed from a faraway land seeking refuge, Ebott detested them. Thus, began the war, it was said to be monster vs human, but it was more monster and human vs Ebott and one or two allies.

The war went on for years and years until a turning point began to approach. Despite the many kingdoms joining the monster's side, the Ebott kingdom had been prepared for this war, unlike the monsters. And it seemed like the Ebott kingdom would win the war. Until the incident happened.

No one truly knows what the incident is, some say a skeleton monster had managed to sneak into the room of the captain of the royal guard and slit his throat. Others say that the captain had shed his skin to become a skeleton, and some even suggest the monster was summoned from the depths of hell. At the end of the day, it didn't matter what had happened, because there was a monster in Ebott, and the human captain was gone.

The King, feeling either betrayal or heartbreak, it depends on the story, over his closest friend, ordered for the monster to be burned at the stake. So, they placed the monster in the king's arena atop piles of lumber. They say the stands of the arena filled faster than a lightning bolt striking. Hundreds of excited people gathered to see the monster burn.

And burn the monster did. They say the monster's pained screams echoed loud enough to be heard from all across the kingdom. They say his screams were loud enough to have awoken a great beast. A large beast with fur as white as snow mixed with lilac purple and rose red streaks. Its long ears stuck out to the side, making it look almost bunny-like if not for its wolf-like body. It had a tail made of bones, as were its paws, and its eyes were hollow as if staring into a void that stared right back at you.

At first, the beast was calm, well, as calm as a blood-thirsty beast could be. It wouldn't stray far from its home, a cave by a river far out into the woods. So, if you did get killed by the beast, then you had probably sought it out, which means you had a death wish. Which is how the beast became aggressive in the first place.

Around one and a half years later, three children, with a death wish, marched into the forest in an attempt to kill it. Naturally, they failed and died, and the people of the village, angry at the death of the children, sent in most of the men to hunt down the beast and kill it. And as you could probably guess, they failed and died. And of course, the beast wasn't happy with this. And it hung the men's corpses around the edge of the forest as a warning.

But, despite the death of their men and the beast's warnings, the people continued to attack and the more they sent, the more died. Eventually, this caught the attention of the king, and he decided to send a small group of soldiers to take care of the beast before more trouble occurred. And again, the beast was able to string up the organs of more men. But this time, the beast had grown angry at their repeated attempts to kill it, and it began to attack.

Luckily for most of Ebott, the beast only attacked the surrounding villages, which were far from the capital and most of the bigger cities. But it made perfect territory for the beast. This distraction also gave the monsters and their allies the perfect time to plan and execute an attack, and soon, Ebott was finally brought down.

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