The festival

15 1 0


Panic attacks
Fighting and injuries


"Brother!" The tall skeleton, which Dream had learned was named Papyrus, yelled as he stood up from the table they were seated at, "I told you to monitor him! Not to scare him off!" He pouted as much as a skeleton could, which was a surprising amount, then put his hands on his hips. Dream was quickly coming to realize how animated Papyrus was, opposed to his brother, the most reaction he had given was a shrug or a wink.

    "Whoops, sorry bro," Sans, the smaller skeleton, said with a shrug, "And, uh, sorry to you too pal,"

    "Oh, it's alright, I was able to find my lost friend thanks to you," Dream responded, happy to finally have a place in the conversation instead of just listening to the skeleton brothers going from bickering to re-telling stories to asking Dream questions they don't even let him answer.

    He had learned a lot about the two brothers in his few hours there. The two were brothers for starters, with Papyrus being younger and Sans being older, despite their height. Papyrus was a royal guardsmen in training, and for now was tasked with patrolling the woods. His brother Sans was a sentry around a couple places. Dream had also been told that the brothers were close friends with not only the king but also the ex-queen. Dream wasn't sure if that had shocked him or not, he would've thought that close friends of the royal family would be of a higher status. Another thing Dream had learned is that Papyrus loved to talk.

    Though their constant chatter did allow Dream to gather his thoughts about his current situation. Admittedly a lot had happened in the past couple of hours, a lot more than Dream thought would happen. Dream's plan had been to tame the beast, maybe have some difficulty with that, then head home and shock Error that he had actually succeeded. Then maybe Error would congratulate him on his bravery and kiss him on the cheek or something, well probably not but the thought was nice. But instead the beast had disappeared and, well, Dream wasn't sure what happened next, but he thinks it turned into a person. And said person had no name, thought he was in the middle of a war, seemed to hate monsters despite being one, and promptly stumbled off of the roof of a building upon realizing what he was.

    Sans and Papyrus finding the two had been a beacon of light in the shit storm that was gathering, but they proved to not be much help. The two were nice and had offered to let them both stay the night on their, albeit uncomfortable, couch, but neither of them had any medical experience, nor were any of the healers they knew currently in town. But still, Dream was thankful for the help, but it was going to be embarrassing when he returned home to Error empty handed.

He sighed and sat his cup down, the skeleton brothers did make for good company though. Their latest conversation topic had been on why Dream had run off. Dream had made up the excuse of being scared, and then he had told them about when he actually had gotten scared. And then Sans had told them both about how that was actually him and that he only meant to check up on Dream, not send him off running into dangerous territory. Dream had accepted his apologies, of course, he did find his goal thanks to Sans, whether he completed his goal depended on figuring out what had happened. He yawned and the skeleton brothers turned to him, stopping their hushed conversations.

"You seem tired, winged friend, would you like to rest for the night?" Papyrus suggested, his voice was quieter than his usual tone, so it was more like a voice you'd use while taking a walk, still loud, but not booming.

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