Chapter 1 Friends?

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At the time school started again Zhanghao hopes he doesn't see his bully he barely lasted the school year last year. As he began to get ready for the new school day he began to text Ricky.

Zhanghao: Ricky are you at school yet?
Ricky: Yeah I'm on my way rn lets meet at the front of the school when you arrive

Zhanghao: K

Zhanghao closes his phone and starts walking to school he doesn't live far from the school so he decides to walk.
*Zhanghao Arrives*

Zhanghao walks towards his best friends Ricky, Taerae and Gunwook. They had a little chat before school started Zhanghao who seems distracted but suddenly forgot he was at school.

As his friends worry as they started heading to their classes. As Zhanghao begins to walk inside the classroom door he was pushed by Minjun the bully. He ignored it and started walking towards the end of the classroom and sat at an emtpy seat.

He wasn't expecting anyone to sit next to him Hao is an introvert so he's a bit quiet. Before class starts the school president or should I say one of the F4 members Sung Hanbin entered the classroom. Hanbin looks around the classroom noticing Hao is sitting alone in the back. He decides to sit next to Hao. Excuse me is anyone sitting besides you? Hanbin asks.

No, but your gladly to sit here if you want Hao says. As Hao smiled Hanbin felt his heart beating as if it was like love at first sight. As Hanbin sat down the seat next to Hao class started.

Hao meets up with Ricky, Taerae and Gunwook in the cafeteria. They grabbed their food and quickly went to find a table and noticed.. All the tables were taken.. As Hao and his friends began to walk out the cafeteria to eat outside Hanbin from the F4 decides to let them sit with them and eat their food with Hanbin and his friends.

Of course Hao would worry if there not good enough to sit besides them but as he thought of it theres no where else to sit now. Hanbin invites them to his table, Yujin greets and says Hello! New Friends. As Hao also greeted Hanbins friends they started chatting for a while. They figured out that they had a lot in common and should hang out more.

Hao started to worry and Hanbin notices he whispered to Hao, Hao are you okay? Hanbin asks. Yeah I'm fine Hao said in Hao's mind what will his bully think if he hanged out with the F4 he would definitely get bullied even more. Hao, Hanbin and their friends decided to hang out at Hanbins house after school since his parents are abroad.

Everyone agreed and as school ended Hao accidentally walked into his bully MinJun. MinJun was very jealous that Hao sat with the F4 during lunch. As Hao was gonna walk away he got stopped as he turned around Minjun had already pushed him to the ground he also punched Hao on the side of his eye MinJun stopped when he started to bleed and said Peace Out!

As Hao was hurt and was on the ground as he remembered they had to hangout at Hanbins house after school he knew he couldn't miss it Hao slowly got up and started tearing up as he met up with Ricky who's driving them to Hanbins house Ricky, Taerae and Gunwook all looked surprised when they saw Hao. Hao are you okay!? Gunwook asks I'm fine said Hao as he felt pain but hid it.

Hao didn't want to lose this opportunity for his friends. They arrived at Hanbins home it had a beautiful garden on the outside. Before they could ring the doorbell Hanbin and the rest of the F4 plus Matthew opened the door happily.

As they saw Hao they all worried what happened to him they took him inside and brought him to Hanbins room as Hanbin brought the medicine he begans to ask Hao Hyung Are You Okay? You don't look so well Hanbin worries. As Hao felt comfort towards Hanbin he began to start tearing up. He told everything about his bully Minjun as he always bullys Hao because he was jealous and very determined Hanbin leaned into Hao for a hug as Hao cried on his shoulder.

Hao never felt this type of comfort he hugged Hanbin back. They both begin to blush as their ears turn red. They got out of the bedroom and decided he and his friends should sleepover Hao liked the idea so he agreed

They all changed into some pjs and began to watch a movie by 11pm everyone started to sleep as Hao was sleeping on Hanbins shoulder. Hanbin quickly turned off the tv and slowly touch Haos hair as Hanbin slowly begans to have a crush on Hao his ears turn red Matthew was sleeping besides Jiwoong as he know they both liked each other and as Ricky and Gyuvin got closer there friendship is like fragile and the two youngest of course Gunwook and Yujin have been getting along quite well. Taerae decided to sleep on the couch since the others were sleeping on the livingroom floor. They began to sleep as Hanbin also layed on Hao :)

*This friend group has just started as their friendship will grow or even become better we shall see in the next chapter!

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