Chapter 2 Feelings?

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As they woke up Matthew and Gunwook decided to cook breakfast as the others were still sleeping. When everyone woke up they forgot to exchange numbers as they did that breakfast was ready, Hao has felt better than ever as he was comforted by Hanbin.

As he began to think about last night his ears started turning red as Hao thought Do I Like Him? All of them began to walk towards the kitchen for breakfast as they ate they decided to go shopping cause it was the weekends and they had nothing else to do. They were all getting ready to go shopping and splited into two cars the first car is Hanbin, Hao, Taerae and Yujin and the second car was Gunwook, Matthew, Ricky, Jiwoong, and Gyuvin.

They all make it to the mall around 1:30pm they started buying lots of stuff like stationary supplies, clothes, and of course food. After they finished shopping they all went towards the food court. Hanbin was gonna go buy and grab the food while the others find a seat. Hao asked if he could come along with Hanbin. Of course you can Hanbin said theres no way he could carry all the food by himself Hanbin smiles at Hao.

(Something tells me they'll get closer than ever or maybe even more than friends.) As Hao followed Hanbin they went to get some pizzas Hao ordered the food while Hanbin had to carry it. On their way back they noticed that the others already brought some snacks. Guys! I told you not to eat sweets before eating Jiwoong scolded the younger ones. Atleast Matthew was there he calmed Jiwoong a bit as Hanbin and Hao came back they brought extra plates for everyone and started eating.


Since they went shopping already they all brought matching pjs with each other. It was 12:00am and Ricky, Gyuvin, Yujin, and Taerae was doing karaoke while the others laughed and sing along. By 2:00am they finally slept Hao and Hanbin was the last ones to sleep and made sure the others had a blanket.

As they were doing that they realized their was only one blanket left in the room Hanbin decide that Hao should have it but he disagreed. Of course they ended up sharing the blanket and slept together. .


Hao was the first to wake up buttttttt something unexpected happened. As Hao woke up his face were centimeters close to Hanbins and thats when Hanbin woke up. As they both stare at each other they both began to turn red. Hanbins ears were turning red as Hao was blushing at this point they must have feelings right? Their faces were still close thinking of what to do next. As the rest of the group slowly started to wake up Hao and Hanbin moved their faces away making sure none of their friends saw.

Gunwook woke up fully and yawned Hao and Hanbin you guys were already up? said Gunwook Yeah as both Hao and Hanbin said their faces and ears bright red. Everyone was exhausted that morning so Ricky recommend Hao and Hanbin should go order and get some snacks at the store. Of course said Hanbin Then Ricky winks at Hao, Hao and Hanbin got dressed to go as Hanbin was driving he noticed Hao staring at him he didn't mind. Hanbin also kinda had a crush on Hao as for Hao he still a bit worried about if he had feelings for him.

They stopped by a convenient store and started buying tons of snacks Hao asked Hanbin what do you want to eat? Hanbin said anythings fine. They walked out the store and starts heading towards the car when Hao almost bumped into a tree luckily Hanbin caught him in time. As they were now staring at each other again Hanbin started slowly pulling his face towards Hao as they got closer...

Hao's POV* Is Hanbin really getting close to my face is it true love? Do I like him wait no I love him.

Hanbin's Pov* I think I waited to long to like Hao but does he like me back?

Just as their faces were super close Hao began to kiss Hanbin. As Hanbin knew what Hao just did he also leaned towards Hao. After Hao broke the kiss he apologized to Hanbin quickly he didn't expect for him to do that. Hao felt embarrassed just what he did to Hanbin until Hanbin finally let it out.. Hao I actually liked you for awhile now said Hanbin..

OMG a confession!? Hehe lets see what happens in the next chapter Gyuricky and Mattwong will be later in the chapters and Sorry for making the confession too fast I had no more ideas.

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