Chapter 5 Love?

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Before school ended Minjun got someone to tell Hao to meet up after class was over. Hao didn't tell Hanbin because he thought it was important to that person so after school he went. Hao told Hanbin to wait with the others while he go talk to someone when Hao arrived at the side of the school he saw MinJun and his friends, at this point Hao knew what they were gonna do. MinJun was jealous of how Hao got popular friends especially how close he and Hanbin were.

They started teaming up on Hao and made him injured finally 10 minutes later him and his friends left and said you shouldn't have been close to the popular kids they don't need someone like you too easy to bully. But before they could leave Hanbin was there he heard the whole conversation of what he said to Hao. At that point Hanbin was very angry he grabbed Minjun and pushed him to the floor before he could punch Minjun he was stopped by Hao. Hanbin its fine just ignore it I don't want you to be in trouble.

As Hanbin thought of it he knew he could get in trouble but the fact that Minjun injured his love he was angry. Hanbin let go as Minjun ran away with his friends Hanbin quickly rushed towards Hao who was on the ground once again and slowly helped him up. Sorry Hao I couldn't come earlier said Hanbin Its fine Hao said still smiling after he got injured Hanbin can noticed the pain as Hao was walking then he ask Hao if he should carry him. Its okay Hanbin you don't have to Hao said but then his arms wrapped around Haos waist and Hanbin was carrying Hao to the car.

Their friends looked shocked as Hao was beaten up again they made it back to Hanbins home and their now all living in it because Hanbins parents were living in the US his parents allowed his friends to live there. When they got home Hanbin quickly rushed Hao to get inside his room as Hanbin applied medicine on Hao it reminds them of last time when Hao got hurt. Hanbin asks Hao if he could do something about Minjun.

What is it? said Hao, Hanbin thought of contacting the school and trying to expel Minjun as school president after all he could do that. Mhmm we could try that said Hao it was the weekends again but they got a week off. Hanbin looked at Hao and gave him a fast peck on the lips lets go eat dinner now. Okay said Hao.

As in the other room Gyuvin and Ricky they were talking with each other. Gyuvin was waiting for the right time to confess to Ricky until.... Ricky said Gyuvin I know our friendship is fragile but I had a crush on you after knowing more about you. With a surprised face Gyuvin said I was gonna confess but you did it anyways Ricky I liked you too. I'm young and rich, tall and handsome will you be my boyfriend Gyuvin. As Ricky said that Gyuvin laughed as he accepted it. Gyuvin gave a tight hug to Ricky but before pulling away he pecked Ricky's lips fast.


Hanbin promises to cook this time with no mistakes Hao of course helped Hanbin make a delicious meal. After that they all knocked out *THE NEXT MORNING* It was 9:45am and Hanbin woke up first contacting the school over the weekends and talked about Minjun. After Hanbin finished the phone call Hao slowly woke up he noticed Hanbin wasn't besides him until he got up he saw Hanbin coming towards him. Hanbin smiled and said I got some great news from the school there gonna expel Minjun and his friends so they won't bother you anymore. Hao smiled and hugged Hanbin Thank you Hanbinna I couldn't have done it without you.

*I was thinking of adding more weekends to the story so we can see the ships a bit more we will definitely see more Gyuricky in the next chapter Thanks for reading! :)

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