Chapter 6 Ready?

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Since Gyuvin and Ricky had become a couple they have been very clingy with eachother. It was morning and as Hao was waking up he had a slight headache and was not feeling well. Hanbin checked his temperature and realized Hao had a fever he quickly went to get medicine for Hao.

As Hanbin came back Hao sat up with a wet towel over his forehead. Here Hao take some medicine Hanbin said and kissed Hao, Hanbinnie Im sick what if you get sick from me too said Hao its ok as long as I'm with you Hanbin said in a flirty tone.

Matthew and Jiwoong just came back from their whatsoever date they had at the cafe Matthew couldn't stop smiling. Everyone walked out their rooms and head towards the livingroom finding Taerae teaching and helping studying with the two youngest Gunwook and Yujin. Good morning the three said. Gyuvin and Ricky had to cook breakfast for today and let me tell you they almost burnt the house down..


Ricky and Gyuvin was fighting who should cook the eggs and was arguing until the eggs were fully burnt. The house had so much smoke that Hanbin and Hao had to take over their cooking. As Hao and Hanbin continued to cook Hao wrapped his arms around Hanbin looking towards him he wanted to kiss Hanbin so bad but he was sick so he had to hold back.


Wow.. Gyuvin how dare you burnt the egg said Ricky Me!? No it was totally you, you weren't focus on cooking said Gyuvin they argued till Gyuvin gave a quick peck on the lips which made both of them stop arguing they both admitted that it was both of their fought. After that Gyuvin jumped and layed on the bed waiting for Ricky to lay with him. Ricky kept on staring at Gyuvin making eye contact and then they both leaned in for a long kiss but then... Yujin came and opened the door and said Hey guys! The food is rea- Yujin just blinks at them pretending to not look. My innocent child! Gyuvin said as he quickly got outta bed


It was time to eat as today Hanbin sat in front of Hao, Hanbin kept flirting with his legs under the table as they were eating of course Hao knew what he wanted a kiss. Everyone was in the livingroom watching another movie they decided to watch a cdrama called "The Untamed" it was late at night when they finished the drama and tears roamed around the livingroom everyone was crying their asses off at the ending Matthew leaned onto Jiwoong's chest as they excused themselves and went to bed. Jiwoong and Matthew cuddle while the slept Good night Mattchu Jiwoong said and gave a quick peck on the lips as they fell asleep. Everyone went to sleep in their rooms but two clumsy people Gyuvin and Ricky knocked out in the livingroom and slept there instead.

*Short chapter again really no ideas but a nice smooth kinda chapter and yes the cdrama "The Untamed" is an actual cdrama I'll add more of Mattwoong in the next chapter cause I didn't have alot of them here and I will add the other members into speaking more TY! For Reading!!

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