Chapter 7 Smiles?

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It was morning as Matthew ended up waking up on Jiwoong's arms Matthew was smiling brightly looking into Jiwoong right in front of him. Jiwoong slowly woke up and gave Matthew a quick kiss on the lips as Matthew was shocked he gave a cute pout.

Everyone made their way towards the livingroom once again and saw the two youngest Gunwook and Yujin running around Gyuvin and Ricky annoying them to wake up. Taerae was cooking breakfast they all thought that they should hang out not so sure when though.


Everyone sat at the table when they noticed where's Hao and Hanbin? Taerae asks hmm I'm not sure the others said the others they let them rest it was 12:00pm Hanbin woke up and looked at the time shocked he looked at Hao and started to slowly wake him up HaoHao wake up its 12pm Hao woke up fast knowing that they overslept the two got changed and quickly went out the room noticing no one was home. Hao and Hanbin stared at eachother and found a note on the table.

Hao and Hanbin sorry were not home at the time we had some errands to make we'll be back before 6PM.   

Oh? Hao said looking towards Hanbin well... what should we do? Hanbin asks  Make food I guess I'm pretty hungry said Hao Orrrrr.. we can do something else Hanbin smirks Hao carefully hit Hanbin on his shoulder making pout face. Cute Hanbin mumbled they were in the kitchen making food or should I say making love in the kitchen before they noticed the time of course they were in a very passionate kiss not hearing the front door open the others shocked as some covered the youngsters eyes Are we interrupting something? said Jiwoong as Hao and Hanbin stopped the kiss they apologized once again.

Matthew pouted as he wanted a kiss from Jiwoong and Matthew excused themselves again and left to their room Taerae was helping studying the youngers again in Taeraes  room and Gyuvin and Ricky was playing video games on the tv in the livingroom. Hao and Hanbin also went to their room yk.


Gyuvin and Ricky were playing games and yelling and screaming as they both laughed alot Ricky leaned his head towards Gyuvin's lap facing Gyuvin they both leaned in on a kiss laughing while finishing off the game. For Jiwoong and Matthew they were having their own time snuggling and watching a movie together andddd For Hao and Hanbin they were doing things way off then the others


They were thinking of going shopping for snacks but then Hanbin with a smirk on his face leaned even closer to Hao closing the gap in between them leaning on for a kiss. Little did they know it turned out interesting the others heard noises coming from their room and of course they had to ignore it but since Taerae was studying with Gunwook and Yujin he decided to take them to get some snacks. Taerae drove to the closest convenience store and let the youngers grab whatever snacks they wanted Gunwook and Yujin were running around the store looking for new snacks to try out they looked like cute little kids roaming to get snacks Taerae couldn't help but had a big smile on his face as his dimples popped out cutely.

*The End of Bounded by Destiny - Haobin

Decided to end the story pretty fast cause I didn't have any ideas and school is going to start soon for me soo yeah also sorry for not posting for awhile like I said no ideas but Thank You! for reading Bounded by Destiny - Haobin!!

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