Her Secret/His Past

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*Rins POV*

BOOM!! I sat straight up in bed. Oh no, it can't be! I panick as I quickly run to my window only to discover my fear come true.

It's raining. And it's a thunderstorm. BOOM! I can't help.but scream while I dive under the blankets on my bed. I start crying. Why do I have to be afraid of thunder. It's such a stupid thing to be afraid of and I know it but I still am.

It thunders again making the hair on my arms stand on end and another scream escape my throat. I need to stop crying. I have to stop crying or I will wake someone up.

But it thunders again and I find traitor tears running down my cheeks and I yelp while jumping slightly. I hate thunderstorms.

I hear my door open."Rin!!"

Len! I think with hope. Suddenly the blankets that covered me were being torn away. I look up at Lens shocked face as he sees my crying face. I must look terrible.

BOOM! Without thinking I leap into lens arms knocking us both to the ground. "Lenny! I'm so scared." I cry into his shoulder.

"Sshh. It's ok. Nothing is going to hurt you. I'm here." He whispers soothing into my ear as he slowly sits up with me still in his arms.

He picks me up and tucks me into bed. He sits down next to me while I stop crying. "Is there anything you want?" He asks talking like he was trying to not scare a lost puppy.

"Len, will you sleep with me tonight?"  I need someone. I can't bear the thought of him leaving me alone.

He looks thoughtful and when it thunders again I grab the edge of his shirt out of fear. I notice it's the same one he wore yesterday.

"Ok rin." And with that he lays down next to me. Him out of the blankets while I'm underneath them. He grabs my torso and pulls me towards his chest and holds me like a teddy bear.

I breath in his scent and snuggle closer to him. "Len, promise you won't tell anyone my secret. I'm afraid of thunder."

" I promise. Goodnight rin."

"Goodnight len."

*Lens POV*

I wake up looking at Rins sleeping face.  She drulling and snoring really loud. She's so cute. Wait. What am I thinking? I can't like her. It's forbidden. But she is cute,sweet and different. Ok. I admit it. I like rin Kagine. Oh no. What am I gonna do?

I glance at the clock. Its 5:00. Mrs. Kagine said she would put a list of my responsibilities and chores in my room. I guess I should get ready.

I untangle myself from rin without waking her up and go to my room.

It really is a nice room. Almost as big as Rins and it has a king size bed. The walls were painted yellow and still had that fresh paint smell. Mrs. Kagine must have done that. She is such a nice lady.

I get dressed, brush my hair and put it up then search for the list.

I find the list and read it.

Lens duties as Rins butler

*wake rin up every morning at 6:00 with her morning tea
* let her get ready
*take her to breakfast at the dining hall at 7:00
*Monday-Friday go to school with her you have already been enrolled. You will find your uniform and bag in the closet.
* Saturday-Sunday make her lunch
*take to dinner in the dining hall at 8:00
*take her to bed and tuck her in
*protect her with your life
*do anything else she wants you to do

Her New Butler/His New Mistress (Rin x Len) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now