The Last Climb

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Disclaimer: i don't own vocaloid or the media. :)

*Rins POV*

I look up at the person i ran into in fear. Have we been discovered already?

"Rin?!" Wait, I know that voice any where. I look up at my good friend Miku.

She starts tearing up and hugs me so tight i cant breath.

"I don't mean to interrupt but we need to get out of here before the guards come back." I distantly here Len state behind us over Miku's sobbing.

I pull away from Miku but keep hold of her hand and drag her away.

*Lens POV*

Once we were far away enough to not be heard Miku starts talking but we continue to move.

"I'm so glad to see you guys. I thought you where dead!! Rinny, i missed you sooooooooooooooooooo much!" I walk ahead of the girls and slowly tune out Miku's voice.

I hear Rin tell Miku to get Mikuo to say our final goodbyes and meet up in Rin's room. Once she leaves I start climbing the tree near Rins bedroom window.

I look inside her room through the window. Wow, i probably look like a pervert. Anyways, once I've made sure the cost is clear I help Rin climb up and we jump through the window.

.............Or at least i did.

I look around and don't see Rin. Where the heck could she have gone when just a moment ago we where both jumping through the air.

"Len!"I hear her strained voice behind me. I see her fingertips on the bottom of the window.

So, of course I immediately run to save her. I guess with my new wolf strength it was a lot easier to leap that far than a normal human.

I reach to grab her hand but her fingers slip. No! I can't loose her here, after all we've been through. I nearly jump out the window reaching blindly for her.

I feel her warm hand grab mine. Thank goodness. I got her in time. I let out a sigh in relief and pull her up and through this stupid window.

Once we are safely inside she clings to me for dear life. "Thank you Lenny." And with that she let's go and immediately starts looking for paper.

*Rins POV*

I breath in the familiar scent of my room as i search for paper. I never thought I would miss this room so much.

As Len and I had planned, I write a note to my parents.

Dear dad and new mom,
I'm safe. Len came and rescued me. We have decided to run away together. Thank you both for everything. I love you.
Your favourite orange lover,

I placed it on my pillow and looked at Len. He was on the edge of my bed laying on his back with his eyes closed. He looked so cute. As much as i will miss this place, it's time to leave it behind because he is my new home, my love, and he will stay by my side for the rest of my life.

Click. The door opens and Lens eyes pop open. I see Miku's head poke in and look around untill she sees me. She enters quickly with her brother close behind her.

I feel Len relax and we say our goodbyes. After about an hour, they leave.

Ok, this is it. Len's eyes meet mine. He holds out his hand for mine expectantly."Are you ready." I smile. "Yeah." We go out the window and start our new life together.

Her New Butler/His New Mistress (Rin x Len) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now