"The Haters

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Disclaimer= I don't own vocaloid or this image. This chapter will be just Rins pov and the next one will be just Lens then they will return to normal.

*Rins POV*

I wake up and look at my grandfather clock. It's 7:23. Good, I'm going to miss breakfast again. I don't want to even look at my parents.

I don't hate my parents because I know that they are just doing what they think is best for me but they just won't listen to me either.

I walk to my bathroom and look in the mirror. I guess crying myself to sleep every night has taken a toll on my eyes. They look puffy, red and simply horrible.

After the incident a month ago, they through Lens stuff in the streets and its summer vacation so I can't even see him at school.

Suddenly my door opens and I turn around. Miku walks in and smiles sadly at me." Happy birthday Rin. I hope you are feeling better. Since today is your ball your father has asked me to prepare you."

I simply nod because I don't trust my voice. She starts walking to the bathtub but stops and turns around. She runs to me and hugs me.

"I'm so sorry Rinny! I couldn't protect you! I'm your best friend and I can't do any thing to help you!" She sobs into my shoulder.

"It's ok Miku. There's nothing you can do even if you want to." She slowly backs up and wipes away her tears.

Miku takes my hand and leads me to the bathtub.

Once I'm clean, Miku leads me to my room where some freshly made tea and lunch waits. I eat while Miku goes into my closet to get my dress.

It is the colour of gold and shines brilliantly.

It really is a beautiful dress but right now I hate it with every fiber in my being because that is the dress I will be in when I become some strangers fiance.

Miku helps me into it and says," The ball begins at 8:00 pm tonight. And Rin, I wish you the best of luck." And with that, she leaves the room.

I glance at my clock again.12:45. Hmmm, I must have been in the bath longer than I thought.

Alright! Today is the day that I run away. Thank you for the good luck Miku.

There are guards posted outside my room that follow me where ever I go so I'm going to have to climb out the window.

I grab my rope that I keep under my bed and tie it to my bed post.

I'm only on the second floor so if I fall I can still make it. I look out my window to make sure no one is around then throw the other end of the rope out my window.

I test its strength then slowly climb out my window.

About five minutes later my feet touch the ground so I turn around to run and bump into someone.

I fall and look up in fear. Two men are by me. One has green hair and the one I bumped into has white hair. I know that's the one I bumped into because he is on the ground too.

"I'm so sorry!" I tell them. They look about my age and are dressed nicely. They must be here for my ball.

I hope they don't recognize me.

"Are you Rin Kagine? What are you doing climbing out of a window?" The green haired guy asks. Shiitake mushrooms, they do recognize me.

I have to think of an excuse quick." My door was stuck and there wasn't anyone around to open it for me."

Did I just see the white haired boy give me a disgusted look? I look at him again and he seems to be back to his normal self. I must have imagined it.

Then the white haired boy says," Then we must escort you back inside milady." He takes my arm and the green haired boy takes my other arm and they lead me back inside my mansion.

I mentally sigh. My mission to escape has failed.

Once we are inside we say our goodbyes and they go back to the gardens and my gaurds find me and take me back to my room.

They put a gaurd in my room with me to make sure i dont go anywhere. My fathers orders.

Miku brings me my lunch and looks dissapointed when she sees that my plan failed but doesn't say anything in front of the gaurd.

When it finally turns 8:00 Miku comes back in to escort me to the ball room. Shes in a beautiful blue dress because I made sure that her and Mikuo can attend the ball as guests instead of servents.

When we enter, my father immediately comes by my side so Miku leaves. "Isn't it beautiful? I made sure that the your suitors are respectful young men. I even interviewed each one personally."

I cringe. How could my father be so blind to what I truly want?" If you can find the time to interview one hundred boys, why can't you find the time to interview the boy your daughter truly wants?"

He stops and look me straight in the eyes." Now I won't have any of that attitude tonight young lady. Be nice, smile and have at least one dance with every boy here."

And with that, he turns and leaves me. He didn't even tell me happy birthday.

About half an hour later the sixth song ends and my current dance partner who's name i dont even remember is replaced by the white haired boy.

"May I have this dance?" He asks me. I sigh, my feet hurt from all this dancing."Or perhaps you would like to go on a walk with me in the gardens?"

My current thought process is: gardens = gazebos = benches.

"I would love to go on a walk with you." I quickly reply.

He takes my hand and leads me to the gardens. I'm not really listening while he talks. I suddenly see a gazebo so I unconsciously start to walk faster. I'm a few feet in front of him when-"AAAAAAHHHH!" I scream as I fall into a hole.

I look up and see that the hole is man made because it looks six feet deep. "HELP! HELP ME!!" I scream.

Suddenly the green haired guy appears at the top. "Oh shut up. No one can hear you." Then he drops a small ball into the hole with me.

He puts on a mask and the ball starts smoking I go to grab it but I take one breath of the smoke and start feeling dizzy.

I fall to my knees. "Len, help me." I quietly whisper then fall into unconsciousness.

I wake up on an uncomfortable mattress and look around. I'm in a small room with a bared window. I notice my wrists are chained to the bed too.

I stand up and notice my change of clothing. I'm dressed like a MAID!?( The chapter picture ) More importantly, who dressed me?

I hear locks unlock and see my door open.

Mr.green head and white head walk in. "Oh. It looks like the princess has woken up."

"I am nobodys princess. Why am I here, what do you want?" I ask really pissed off.

Green head starts talking." Well your going to have to get used to that name cause I like it. I guess we should start with introductions. I'm Gumiyo and this is my brother Piko. Now to answer you questions, you are here because we don't want you to take over your father's business because we want it and you are not fit to run a business you spoiled brat."

I may be spoiled but I am most certainly not a brat.

Then piko says," Don't worry. We won't kill you." He then walks towards me and grabs my chin and lifts it up so we are looking eye to eye. "We have some other things you can be useful for."

I knee him in the gut but it didn't effect him as much as I thought it would. He backs up holding his tummy. Then slaps me so hard I fall to the ground.

"That should teach you to not try any thing funny again. We will have your ankles chained together and tomorrow you will start your choirs as our servent."

They walk out the door and I hear the locks click again.

I start crying. Oh Len, I need you.

Her New Butler/His New Mistress (Rin x Len) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now